July 6, 2014

Sunday Morning Prayer – Based on Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30   Good and gracious Good, You constantly invite us to dance. Life, nature, the Universe are playing a constant melody: songs of joy and new life, songs of endings and loss, songs of glee and silliness, songs of difficulty and sorrow. Songs of life. Too frequently, we do not accept this invitation. Too frequently, we find ourselves caught up in a counter rhythm that is incongruous and disconnected with the rhythm... Read more

July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014 Dear President Obama, I certainly don’t have the kind of influence and power as the ministers who recently wrote you about their concerns over not being allowed to discriminate against LGBT folk, but since I am a citizen, I do believe my voice matters as much as theirs. I thank you for taking the time to listen to it and to consider my words. Like many of them, I am an ordained minister (Presbyterian Church, USA), but... Read more

June 11, 2014

By: Rev. Mark Sandlin There is a new and disturbing trend in Great Britain and China. They are homeless-proofing their streets. As disgusting as the behavior is, I guarantee you that there are those in the United States who follow suit – and quickly. I can only assume that slanted park benches and surfaces covered with metal spikes will soon make an appearance in this country. Photo: Nudges.wordpress Photo: Imgur/Reddit I suppose the idea is “out of sight out of... Read more

June 10, 2014

  By: Rev. Mark Sandlin   Good and Gracious God, Yet again, our nation grieves. Yet again, the life of a child has been cut dreadfully short. Yet again, we all rally to our  political centers to cry out for our guns, for our rights, for our safety, for rational thought… and… we forget. We forget that a child who should be here with us… is not. We forget that a family, a community, a nation mourns. We forget that... Read more

June 6, 2014

By: Mark Sandlin Science, logic and geeks are going mainstream and it’s killing the church. More precisely, the Church’s long-standing aversion to science and logic is being highlighted and underscored as more people embrace geek culture in entertainment. Of course, the resistance to science and logic is understandable, right? Facts and beliefs can be such strange bedfellows. In far too many minds, science and logic challenge faith and belief. So, ironically, it’s logical for an institution founded so heavily in... Read more

May 22, 2014

photo credit: jonathan mcintosh via photopin cc (Editor’s note: A few days ago “The God Article” published an editorial from Rev. Ellin Jimmerson entitled, “How Nuns on the Bus Get It Wrong on Immigration Reform“. Because this is such an important topic, in the interest of dialogue, we contacted the Nuns on the Bus to provide an opportunity for response to the article. This response is from NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, which created the “Nuns on the Bus”... Read more

May 19, 2014

Mural con los nombres en las cruces de los migrantes que murieron tratando de cruzar la frontera. Instalación artística por No Más Muertes. Foto por Bill Schweikert de Huntsville Iniciativa de Inmigración, LLC. “La Segunda Nevera”. Por: Rev. Ellin Jimmerson, Ph. D. Al igual que Sor. Simone Campbell yo soy una mujer del clero. Yo también soy una defensora de tiempo completo de los inmigrantes ilegales, trabajadores inmigrantes en los EE.UU. legalmente con una visa H2, y del trabajo doméstico.... Read more

May 19, 2014

Border wall with crosses bearing names of migrants who died trying to cross. Art installation by No More Deaths. Photo by Bill Schweikert for Huntsville Immigration Initiative, LLC. “The Second Cooler”. By: Rev. Ellin Jimmerson, Ph. D.  Like Sr. Simone Campbell I am a clergy woman. I also am a full time advocate for illegal immigrants, Guest Workers in the US legally with an H2 visa, and domestic labor. She is a lawyer; I am a historian. I am a film... Read more

March 28, 2014

by David Henson The Church could learn a few things from Jimmy Fallon, the new host of the “Tonight Show.” And it’s no surprise, really. Jimmy has said in interviews he once wanted to be a priest in the Roman Catholic Church and was influenced early in life by his experiences as an altar boy. But he never felt he could really be a priest because he couldn’t keep a straight face. As a priest myself, it’s always good to... Read more

March 18, 2014

by Mark Sandlin Good and gracious God, We lift up a prayer for the misguided – for those who hate and belittle and abuse in your name. For those who wish to see the hate go on, the anger be fed, the world continue on its unsustainable path of division and judgement. In short, we pray for ourselves — for that moment of relief we felt when we first heard the news that Fred Phelps was dying. For the way... Read more

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