My youngest daughter, Peyten, can be found on any given day wearing a hipster beanie and a princess dress with full on frills. She is the littlest one in the tribe and as such she often has to fight for a place at the table. Both of her siblings are nearly twice her height and with a father who stands 6’5″ she is not only the smallest in the house, but her little voice struggles to be heard. I do not use the word struggle lightly; Peyten is a fighter. One of the things she fights for as a 6 year old is her own unique style. So many times she’ll come out of her room and down our staircase wearing a very pretty dress with a Hello Kitty beanie on her head. She is okay with being comfortable in her own skin and style.
One of the great lessons I’ve learned from my baby girl is to be okay with the uniqueness of how I’ve been made. My entire life I have tried to impress other people by fitting into culture. I would try to wear the right things, eat at the right places, use the right theological terms – saying “gospel” at least 17 times in every message – but now I am fighting like my daughter. I am fighting against giving into the temptation to not embrace all that I am and all that I was created to be. Peyten has taught me to be comfortable being who I am.
Maybe your life is different, or maybe you can relate. Take a moment and examine everything around you from the people you call friends, to the shoes you put on your feet, even to the job you are working or the major you are studying. Do not be different for the sake of being different, but do not miss out on everything that God has for you and only you.
Our little one is DIFFERENT. I am ashamed to say there were times we did not give her enough room to embrace who she is, but today we actively encourage her creativity in the context of our family. Her uniqueness is unmistakable and her small voice has grown at times to be the loudest in the room.
Thank you Peyten, you have taught Daddy so much.