The Latin Right on GRN’s Catholic Drive Time: Does the Synod Hear You?

The Latin Right on GRN’s Catholic Drive Time: Does the Synod Hear You? November 15, 2022

The Latin Right on GRN’s Catholic Drive Time.

Recently, I had the honor of discussing the Synod of Synodality on the Guadalupe Radio Network’s program Catholic Drive Time.

Check out the interview here.

Key Issues for Concern with the Synthesis

Marginalization appears 5 times in the document. Marginalized appears 3 times.

Polarization appears 5 times in the document.

Welcoming appears 8 times in the document.

Justice appears 13 times in the document.

Concerning Passages from the Synthesis

It is particularly noteworthy that local discernment is taking place about how to overcome standoffish or elitist attitudes, and how to welcome without judging. “Whole groups of people feel that the teachings of the church preclude their sense of being welcome in the community. We need to examine the way in which certain teachings are presented, to demonstrate that we can be faithful to God without giving the impression that we are qualified to pass judgment on other people. [page 13]

Ordination for women emerged not primarily as a solution to the problem of the priest shortage, but as a matter of justice.” [page 8]

Practically all synodal consultations shared a deep ache in the wake of the departure of young people and viewed this as integrally connected to becoming a more welcoming Church. As one synthesis noted, Young people also want the Church to speak out about issues that matter to them, especially justice, race, and climate change.” [page 9]


Another aspect of formation that synodal consultations viewed as central to our ability to journey together was the need for greater “formation for seminarians and those already ordained to better understand human and pastoral needs, cultural sensitivity and awareness, greater emphasis on social justice, sharing resources with the needy, balancing the adherence to the dogmatic teachings of the faith with care for the emotional needs of their parishioners, how to include the laity in decision-making and learning to speak the truth with empathy, creativity, and compassion.” [page 10]


Moreover, the Synod appears to deemphasize dogma and Catholic moral teaching to make the Church more welcoming. With the “synthesis,” we see a deemphasis of Catholic teaching disguised as justice towards marginalized groups. Retired Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti perfectly summarized the intent of the Synod of Synodality when he wrote:

The Church was not on the wrong track for 2,000 years and in need to be enlightened and corrected by a synodal process in the 21st century. For this we need neither a Vatican III nor a slimmed-down replacement event called “Synod on Synodality.” I meant, as the title says, that the subject to be discussed would be “synodality” as the supposedly new modus operandi of the church. But no, instead it’s about the same synodal shopkeepers that have been warmed up for the umpteenth time since the 1970s: democracy, participation, participation in power, women in all offices and the diaconate of women or women’s priesthood; Revision of sexual morals regarding extramarital sex, remarriage and homosexuality, away from priest-centered liturgy etc. [emphasis added]

A Medical Analogy

If I am dying of cancer, how is it empathetic and compassionate to tell me I am healthy? A doctor that diagnoses stage 4 cancer comes off as harsh and lacking in empathy. Regardless, they must do all in their power to try to save my life. Cancer treatments are also tough on the body, but necessary to treat the cancer. I must suffer in hope for remission. So, too with the sickness in my soul.

What’s It Al About?

In conclusion, this is all about power in the Church. A welcoming Church is a less powerful Church. This Church does not impose unpopular beliefs on its members. It allows members to pick and choose which beliefs apply to them or not. This Church gives members of the Church the moral and theological power over their own lives. In short, it allows members to ruin their own souls. God help us.

Read my other writing here.

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