Authority in the Christian Life: Written Dialogue

Authority in the Christian Life: Written Dialogue August 31, 2024

For the month of September, The Latin Right is trying something new. A fellow Norwich graduate (and Protestant) friend of mine, Lt. Colonel Eric Luppold, has agreed to participate in a series of written exchanges in this blog.

The topic chosen: Authority in the Christian Life

Eric will defend the Protestant position commonly referred to as sola scriptura.

Dennis will defend the Catholic position.

The format will go as follows:

Each writer presents an opening statement of up to 2,000 words. After the posting of both opening statements, each writer replies to the opening statements with 1,000 words each. After the first round of replies, two more rounds (for a total of three replies) will follow. Finally, both writers present their closing statements with up to 2,000 words.

Eric Luppold Bio:

I graduated from Embry-Riddle University with a degree in Aerospace Engineering before being commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force.  I have spent over 18 years in the military, first as a B-1B Lancer pilot and then as an MQ-9 Reaper instructor pilot.

During my military career, I earned a Master of Military History degree from Norwich University and a Master of Divinity degree from Liberty University. I am also the author of three books and host of the podcast, Governed by God.

My wife and I have been married for over sixteen years and are the parents of three children. We currently live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where I serve as a teacher at Hilltown Baptist Church.

My website (which has links to my podcast and books) is:

Thank you!

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