I’ve Been Called Worse

I’ve Been Called Worse May 11, 2016

(c) John C O'Keefe - Use as you desire
(c) John C O’Keefe – Use as you desire

Whenever I speak, or write, about how we need to feed the hungry, care for the poor, and house the homeless, health issues, or educational issues, I’m tagged a Socialist. Granted, it doesn’t offend me; if it makes others comfortable calling me a Socialist, so be it. Personally, I call myself a Follower of the Teachings of Jesus, but whatever works. I get a kick out of people who believe calling me a socialist, it somehow insults me. All I can say is, I’ve been called worse.

Here is an interesting quote from Matthew’s recording of the ministry of Jesus:

“How can I account for this generation? The people have been like spoiled children whining to their parents, ‘We wanted to skip rope, and you were always too tired; we wanted to talk, but you were always too busy.’ John came fasting and they called him crazy. I came feasting and they called me a lush, a friend of the riffraff. Opinion polls don’t count for much, do they? The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” [Matthew 11:16-19 MSG]

Labeling me with a label you think will hurt my feelings, or you believe will send me into the corner covering my face weeping in the fetal position while bowing to your intellectual prose, never works; I’ll not bow-down, change my views, beg for your forgiveness, or follow the Corporate Jesus® you follow simply because you want to label me with what you think are insults. Calling me a Socialist doesn’t make me worry, or cause me to change my mind. All it does, is give you a label to place on another and try to bully others to your views – and to be honest, labeling me will not trip my walk.

Other names I’ve been called:
I’ve been called so many other things designed to shut my voice, belittle me, or try to get me to change my mind – here are but a few

Ignorant PC’er [I assume this has something to do with what brand of computer I use]
Vegan Lib-tard Creep [I almost chocked on the cheeseburger when I read that one]
Holier-Than-Thou [I actually had a Fundamental Christian call me this – tossed me for a loop]
Unintelligent Stupid Idiot [Which shocked me, because that’s the title of my Doctoral Dissertation]
Uninformed Annoying Hypocrite [Which is code for, I have no argument against your point so I’m going to insult you]
Narrow Minded [As opposed to “the narrow path”?]
Unrealistic Intolerant Progressive [All because I said that we need to Love everyone]

So, if you are being called names, insulted, for posting what you believe is right – stand firm. Know that your voice should not be hindered by the insults of others – you matter, your voice matters, no matter what others think.

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