Five Questions Churches Should Never Ask Themselves

Five Questions Churches Should Never Ask Themselves February 17, 2017

A-PATHEOS-TNJ-Branding.fwWhat’s our purpose?

Really? As a church, you’re wondering what’s your purpose? There are tons of articles online designed to help churches design a purpose statement. But, it never seems to fail, when I read those propose statements I always ask, ‘What does that mean?’

I’m of the mind that the best way to understand our purpose is to know Jesus’ purpose. Anything else, is simply our way of saying We know better.

So, what was Jesus’ purpose?
To bring life, so people could live life fully [John 10:10], and to embrace the broken, the marginalized, the hurting, the lost [Matthew 9:13]

Now, I’ll admit, those can be rather messy for many USAmerican Churches. After all, seeking out those who are “not like us” is scary.

[RESPOND IN THE COMMENTS: What do you see as the purpose of the church?]

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