That title makes me think of a killer Pearl Jam song from the mid-nineties. Or was it the late nineties? Can’t remember. That era of my life is a blur for various chemical reasons.
Anyway, as you may have noticed (I hope you’ve noticed), my blogs have been few and far between recently. Part of this is because I was out of the country for the month of June, along with other 2-3 day excursions with my friends and family. Most of all, July and August are incredibly busy months for my job as VP of Eternity Bible College, which has left me little time to do anything that’s not related to recruiting students and fundraising. But I wanted you to know:
Oh, I—I’m still alive
Hey, I—Oh, I’m still alive
And I’m going to pick up my blogging rhythm over the next few weeks. In the meantime, here are some other things I’m doing that you might be interested in.
First, I’ve got a new website! It’s the same but it’s got a whole new look—and a blog. Browse around and see what you think. And let me know what kinks you see. It still needs a bit more fine-tuning.
Second, I’ve still been active on my podcast/radio show “Theology in the Raw.” I’ve been talking about stuff like:
· Do you have to tithe to the church, or can you just give your tithe to the poor?
· Are tongues and miraculous gifts for today?
· Which OT laws should Christians obey? And why (or why not)?
· And a somewhat sassy episode on how the church spends money. Sorry, but the church keeps giving me much material to work with.
I’m particularly excited about my recent conversation about racial tensions in America with my special guest, Dr. Michael Ross! We talked about the Black Lives Matter movement, whether declaring that “all lives matter” is helpful, what the church should do in light of racial tensions, and what it’s like for a black man to get pulled over by the cops. And much, much more. If you can only listen to one of these podcasts, check out the second one. It’s probably the most relevant and engaging.
For those who live close to where I live (i.e. Boise, ID), the next “City Forums” is on August 28th (8:00pm at The District Coffee House) and Dr. Ross will talk bout racial tensions. See the flyer above for details.
Lastly, I have a couple books coming out this Fall: Go: Returning Discipleship to the Frontlines of Faith (Sept 15) and a counterpoints (i.e. 2 Views) which I served as the general editor titled Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church (Nov 15). I’ll be releasing some portions of the Discipleship book very soon. I’m pretty stoked about it. If you’ve heard me talk about church, the dechurched, the Millennial flight, how we “do church,” the church and money, racial segregation in the church, the death of the sermon, empowering the outliers, and why I don’t feel very “churchy,” well—it’s all there in the book. Whenever I talk about this stuff, I usually get a ton of responses from you all, like: “That’s totally me.” Anyway, I think you’ll dig the book.
Look forward to more blogs very soon! And thanks for your patience.