Simplicity and the Subversion of Subtle Idolatry

Simplicity and the Subversion of Subtle Idolatry May 19, 2011

Simplicity © 2010 Andrei Bocan | more info (via: Wylio)

During the 46 days of Lent (well, in actuality my family celebrated the Resurrection on Saturday so we chose to feast with them then [45 days]) food often filled my thoughts.  Attempting to live on $2 a day meant that I craved Chipotle on a regular basis and wished that I could eat desserts and snacks that always seemed to be in the kitchen of our office at work.  One of the worst situations at work took place during a baby shower that was thrown for a staff member during lunch.  Foot-long pulled beef sandwiches!  Nope, just water and the gurgling of stomach acids.

What I found through the hunger pains, the bad moods, and the cravings was a God who purged me of my desire for things other than him.  Certainly, this purgatorial parenthesis in my otherwise consumptive life did not take full steps toward perfection as one might hope, but refinement certainly happened. The fire of self-denial led to a revelation of sorts: Consumption and comfort are not the greatest idols in my life… I am!  I want.  I need.  I.  I.  I.  Truly, without recognizing it before, my “I” moves to center stage of my priorities and God occupies the peripheral bleachers more often than I am proud of.  This perhaps became the greatest lesson of Lent.

Consider the following quote from Richard Foster from his book Celebration of Discipline:

The central point for the Discipline of simplicity is to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness of his kingdom first and them everything necessary will come in its proper order.  It is impossible to overestimate the importance of Jesus’ insight at this point.  Everything hinges upon maintaining the “first” thing as first.  Nothing must come before the kingdom of God, including the desire for a simply life-style.  Simplicity itself becomes idolatry when it takes precedence over seeking the kingdom.[1]

This quote reminds me that the purpose of any spiritual discipline, Lenten or otherwise is seek the God whose Kingdom is forever.  In confronting some idols in my life, I am learning that such a task feels impossible a lot of the time.  Yet, in the midst of my inability to “get it right” all the time, in my lack of seeking the kingdom first each day, I am reminded from this simplicity journey that God’s grace only requires simple faith.  Faith that even when I am weak, that he is strong.  Faith that when I fail to be simple, that he doesn’t simply give up on me.

As I reflect on this experience, there is part of me that thinks: I could do it again.  And it is a real possibility that I will take up a similar discipline during another Lenten season.  At one point I contemplated making this an annual tradition but I fear that this could either become vain repetition or so easy that it would lose its effect.  One friend suggested that we ought to grow our own food in our backyard and then next Lent we could commit to living on the land.  Not sure that alley cats, worms, and garden veggies would tide me over for 46 days.  Something I do know is that I will take up Lent as a regular spiritual rhythm.

Subverting consumption and comfort through the spiritual discipline of simplicity continues to have an affect on me today.  Yes, I have gained back 5 of the 20 pounds that I lost, but the ongoing remembrance goes beyond my density.  I am determined to eat less and eat more simply on a regular basis.  For the entire period of Lent, even though I did not write it down as one of my stipulations, I did not eat meat.  In the past my attitude towards devouring dinner included the need for a meat product.  Without meat this isn’t dinner! I was quite wrong.  The pickiness that dominated my gorging no longer permeates my attitude toward food (well, not as much as it used to).  My hope is that God continues to remind me of this experience so that I may continue to grow towards simplicity.

Finally, I want to return to the thought about the kingdom of God and deliberate simplicity.  When the reign of God is first then everything falls into its proper place.  The more I live simply, the less I need.  The less I need, the more I can give.  The more I give, the less idols I cling to.  The less idols I cling to, the more of Jesus I experience.  Truly, “simplicity is freedom.”[2]

Thanks to all of you who gave so generously to Blood: Water Mission.  Here is the confirmation for our giving:

[1]. Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, 20th anniversary ed. , 3rd ed., rev. (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1998), 86.

[2]. Ibid., 71.


Below is my entire spending on food for Lent:

Day Food Amount Cost
9-Mar-11 Organic Instant Oatmeal (chocolate chip) 2 packets $0.36
PB & J
Organic Wheat Bread 2 slices $0.36
Organic Strawberry jam 1tbs $0.10
Organic Peanut Butter 2tbs $0.18
Organic wheat Spaghetti 2 servings $0.24
Organic Spaghetti Sauce 1/2 cup $0.43
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
10-Mar-11 Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.36
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.20
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Organic Wheat Spaghetti 2 servings $0.24
Organic Spaghetti Sauce 1 Serving $0.43
11-Mar-11 Organic Cin. Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Potato / Rice Burrito
Potato 1 $0.14
Organic Brown Rice 1 serving $0.13
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Butter 1 serving $0.19
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.36
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.20
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
TOTAL FOR MAR 11 $1.85
12-Mar-11 Tortilla Cinnamon Toast
Butter / sugar / cinnamon dash’ $0.06
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Potato 1 $0.14
Organic Butter 1/2 serving $0.10
salt / pepper dash $0.01
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
Potato / Rice Burrito
Potato 1 $0.14
Organic Brown Rice 1 serving $0.13
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Navy Beans 1/2 serving $0.16
1 Cookie $0.10
TOTAL FOR MAR 12 $1.63
13-Mar-11 Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Organic Brown Rice 1 serving $0.13
Potato 1 $0.14
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Frozen Organic Juice pop 1 $0.32
Organic Maple Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.36
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.20
Organic oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Whey Protein mix 1 serving $0.65
Organic Brown rice 2 servings $0.28
Organic Salsa 1.5 serving $0.15
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Cookie 1 $0.10
Tortilla 3 $0.12
TOTAL FOR MAR 14 $1.97
15-Mar-11 Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Organic Oatmeal 2 packs $0.36
Organic Frozen Juice 1 $0.32
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.36
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.20
Potato 1 $0.14
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
16-Mar Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Potato 1 $0.14
Organic Salsa 1 $0.10
Fried Rice
Organic Brown Rice 2 Servings $0.28
Frozen Organic Veggies 1 cup $0.25
Cage Free Egg 2 $0.52
Tortilla 5 $0.20
Organic Oatmeal 1 packet $0.18
TOTAL MAR 16, 11 $1.98
17-Mar Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Frozen Juice 1 $0.32
Left over Rice w/ eggs and veggies
Potato 1 $0.24
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
Tortilla 3 $0.12
TOTAL FOR MAR 17 $1.46
18-Mar ????
19-Mar Egg in a Boat
Egg 1 $0.26
Bread 1 slice $0.18
Butter sliver $0.05
Potato $0.14
Salsa 2 servings $0.20
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Egg 1 $0.26
Home Made Cinn Roll 2 $0.20
Organic Frozen Juice 1 $0.32
TOTAL MAR 19 $1.74
20-Mar Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg $0.26
Rice $0.13
Salsa $0.10
Potato $0.14
Applesauce $0.31
Organic Frozen Juice $0.32
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
TOTAL MAR 20 $1.58
21-Mar Organic Applesauce $0.31
Organic Oatmeal $0.36
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg $0.26
Rice $0.13
Salsa $0.10
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
Organic Frozen Juice $0.32
Baby Carrots 5 $0.10
Tortilla 1 $0.04
TOTAL MAR 21 $1.94
22-Mar Organic applesauce $0.31
Organic Oatmeal $0.36
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg $0.52
Rice $0.13
Salsa $0.10
Homemade Cinn Roll $0.10
tortilla 2 $0.08
Chocolate peanuts 9 $0.15
TOTAL MAR 22 $1.75
23-Mar Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Frozen organic juice 1 $0.32
chocolate covered peanuts 9 $0.15
Organic baby carrots left over $0.14
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
Tortilla 4 $0.16
Butter / sugar / cinnamon dash’ $0.06
24-Mar Organic Oatmeal $0.36
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Tortilla 2 $0.08
chocolate covered peanuts 9 $0.15
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
Frozen organic juice $0.32
TOTAL FOR MAR 24 $2.03
25-Mar PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 4 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 2 tbs $0.10
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Homemade Cinn Roll $0.10
Salsa $0.10
Potato $0.14
Tortilla 3 $0.12
butter, sugar, cinn dash $0.03
Organic brown rice 1 serving $0.13
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
chocolate covered peanuts 9 $0.15
TOTAL $1.90
26-Mar PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Tortilla Pizza
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Sauce 1/2  serving $0.16
Cheese 1 serving $0.23
Salsa $0.10
Potato $0.14
Tortilla 2 $0.08
TOTAL $1.91
27-Mar tortilla 4 $0.16
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
chocolate covered peanuts 9 $0.15
Organic Oatmeal $0.36
Butter / sugar / cinnamon dash’ $0.06
TOTAL $1.85
28-Mar Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Brown Rice 1 serving $0.13
Chocolate covered peanuts 10 $0.17
pop corn 1 serving $0.07
TOTAL $1.81
29-Mar Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
PB J & Plain Oatmeal Bowl
Organic Oatmeal 1 packet $0.18
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Capt’n Crunch 1 serving $0.16
TOTAL $1.91
30-Mar PB J & Plain Oatmeal Bowl
Organic Oatmeal 1 packet $0.18
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
cookies 4 $0.06
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.26
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
Organic Oatmeal 1 packet $0.18
PB J & Plain Oatmeal Bowl
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Pizza sauce 1 tbs $0.08
pizza dough 2 small pcs $0.10
TOTAL $1.97
31-Mar Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
Potato $0.14
Organic Butter 1 serving $0.19
Veggie Spring Roll 2 $0.20
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Flax 1/2 serve $0.04
Tortilla 2 $0.08
TOTAL $1.93
1-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1/2 serving $0.04
Potato $0.14
Egg 1 $0.25
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 2 $0.08
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Half Muffin $0.28
TOTAL $1.74
2-Apr Potato $0.14
Egg 1 $0.25
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
Bananna 1 $0.19
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Charles Shaw Wine 1/2 cup $0.33
Rice 1 serving $0.13
TOTAL $2.00
3-Apr Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
Organic Brown Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Spaghetti Sauce 1/2 serving $0.21
Organic Spaghetti 1 serving $0.12
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.25
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Charles Shaw Wine 1/2 cup $0.33
TOTAL $1.97
4-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1/2 serving $0.04
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Egg 1 $0.25
Rice 1 serving $0.13
Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Half Muffin $0.28
Popcorn 1 serving $0.07
Chocolate Covered Peanuts 3 $0.05
TOTAL $1.91
5-Apr Organic Oatmeal 1 packets $0.18
Organic Flax 1/2 serving $0.04
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Organic Spinach 1/2 cup $0.12
muffin 1/4 piece $0.14
Chocolate Covered Peanuts 5 $0.09
TOTAL $1.69
6-Apr Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Salsa 1/2 serving $0.05
Potato $0.14
Organic Baby Carrots 1 bag $0.24
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Oatmeal 1 packets $0.18
Tortilla 3 $0.12
Butter / sugar / cinnamon dash’ $0.06
Organic Brown Rice 1/4 serving $0.03
Chocolate Covered Peanuts 5 $0.09
popcorn $0.07
toppings $0.03
TOTAL $1.85
7-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Salsa 1/2 serving $0.05
Potato $0.14
Organic Spinach 1/2 cup $0.12
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Flax 1/2 serving $0.04
Tortilla 3 $0.12
Charles Shaw Wine (Trader Joes) 1 serving $0.33
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
TOTAL $2.00
8-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Salsa 1/2 serving $0.05
Potato $0.14
Organic Spinach 1/2 cup $0.12
Tortilla 5 $0.20
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
popcorn $0.07
9-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
mini pizza
Crust $0.05
Sauce $0.09
Cheese $0.05
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.10
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Salsa 1/2 serving $0.05
Organic Spinach 1/2 cup $0.12
10-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Veggie Spring Roll 3 $0.60
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
chocolate covered peanuts 2 $0.03
TOTAL $1.85
11-Apr Family issues… stayed under $2
12-Apr Family issues… stayed under $2
13-Apr Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Tortilla 4 $0.16
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
chocolate covered peanuts 15 $0.21
Muffin 1/2 serve $0.28
14-Apr Tortilla 4 $0.16
Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
Frozen Organic Juice $0.32
All Natural Honey Grams Cerial 3/4 cup $0.17
Organic Milk 1/4 cup $0.11
Potato (French Fries) $0.14
Honey Mustard $0.05
15-Apr Tortilla 4 $0.16
Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
Potato (French Fries) $0.14
Honey Mustard $0.05
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1/3 serving $0.04
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Chocolate peanut 5 $0.09
16-Apr Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
Tortilla 3 $0.12
Organic Brown Rice 1/2 serving $0.07
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Veggie Spring Roll 2 $0.40
popcorn $0.07
17-Apr Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Tortilla 4 $0.16
Potato 1 $0.14
Brocolli 1/4 serving $0.06
Spinnach 1/4 serving $0.06
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Bannana 1 $0.15
Chocolate peanut 5 $0.09
18-Apr Chocolate peanut 11 $0.19
PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Potato 1 $0.14
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Veggie Spring Roll 3 $0.60
Tortilla 3 $0.12
19-Apr Potato 1 $0.14
Cage free egg 1 $0.25
Tortilla 4 $0.16
Chocolate peanut 5 $0.09
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
bananna 1 $0.14
Granola Bar 1 $0.20
Small piece of cake $0.20
20-Apr PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
bananna 1 $0.14
Chocolate peanut 5 $0.09
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
Tortilla 3 $0.12
Butter / sugar / cinamin dash’ $0.06
Veggie Spring Roll 2 $0.60
21-Apr Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
bananna 1 $0.14
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Egg Rice Salsa plate
Cage Free Egg 1 $0.25
Organic Rice 1 serving $0.13
Organic Salsa 1 serving $0.10
Potato 1 $0.14
Chocolate peanut 5 $0.09
tortilla 1 $0.04
22-Apr PB&J Tortilla roll-up
Tortilla 1 $0.04
Organic Peanut Butter 2 tbs $0.18
Organic Strawberry Jam 1 tbs $0.12
Veggie Spring Roll 3 $0.60
Organic Oatmeal 2 packets $0.36
Organic Flax 1 serving $0.07
bananna 1 $0.15
Organic Applesauce 1 mini cup $0.31
Chocolate peanut 5 $0.09

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