You know you’re a Religious Scientist when….

You know you’re a Religious Scientist when…. November 4, 2013

The other day I was flipping through a few notes, and came across something I hadn’t seen in eons.

I can honestly say, I don’t recall who the author is, and failed to write it down. But the words obviously struck me at the time as being meaningful, and I feel the same way today, so I thought I would share them with you.

What I read was titled: The 10 Commandments of Religious Science

Over the next few blogs, I’d like to explore these Commandments and how they can be used in our daily experience. Some of them make me think: hmmmm, not there yet. Others make me realize I must have crossed that bridge a long time ago.

So let’s get started.

  1. I always remember that God is All there is

I’m sure the mystic Walter Starcke, author of God is All There Is, would have liked this one.

This is one of those phrases that is easy to say, much harder to do. When life feels good, it’s easy to remember. When things aren’t quite going my way, I have to pause and recall that God is All there is.

What this commandment does is make me think deeper. It provides me with room to breathe, and stops me in my tracks from going to that mental place some might call “hell” and be tempted to build a condo.

It reminds me that there is no such thing as duality, and calls my bluff when I am tempted to fall into the trap of victimhood.

When I remember that God is All there is, it forces me to look past appearances, and reminds me to ask more questions so that I can put the situation into balance.

  1. I always allow the Universe to function intelligently without my interference.

This one is about both trust and belief.

First let’s tackle belief. I need to believe that the Universe does in fact function intelligently. That goes back to the first commandment. That it is all God, so, it is all intelligent. If I don’t believe this, then I’m going to have a hard time trusting that things will work out.

Sometimes I hear people say: “the treatment didn’t work”. Rather than treat again, they give up when things don’t look like they think they should. And when that happens, they take action – based now on fear and disbelief. They don’t allow the Universe to unfold.

When we interfere, when we allow ourselves to think that we know better, it’s like a shortage in the Universal circuitry. The connection, of course, is never really lost, but what we’ve done is shortened the time it might take. And so a few days, a few months, a few years later, we find ourselves back in the same place asking for the same thing once more.

I repeat: I always allow the Universe to function intelligently without my interference.

For the next week, try starting your day thinking of one of these commandments and how they play out in your life. It’s another way to practice being a Religious Scientist. Let me know how the experiment goes.

And if these commandments sound familiar to you – if they happen to be your words or you know who wrote them – please let me know so that I can credit this brilliance accordingly.

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