Theme for the Week of March 7:
A Personal Experience of the Divine
We believe that God is personal to all who feel this Indwelling Presence.
– Ernest Holmes
Does the theme and quote for this week resonate with you? Or, does it sound like some kind of metaphysical psychobabble spoken by someone who appears more in tune with their pot dealer than reality?
Drastic contrasts, perhaps, but I don’t think my examples are far off. It used to bother me that I lived a life so different than most people. I’ve spent many years studying various spiritual beliefs. It’s allowed me to develop a sense of peace that allows me to accept my path, usually ignoring people who choose not to inquire as deeply of life as I feel I must.
Many years ago I took quite literally the words of Jesus of Nazareth when he was quoted as saying his followers should exist in the world as we know it, but not be part of it. It’s a wise – a very wise – piece of advice.
Now, especially, people are glued to their mobile devices, the news and TV to get the latest gossip on the presidential races. Reports are about as reliable as the weather: ever-changing! I believe in being informed; I don’t believe in becoming all hot-n-bothered by stuff over which we have no control.
Do I always personally succeed in that? Hardly. One simple social media post can send me right over the edge if I allow it to do so. But these instances are exactly the time to practice Jesus’ advice and have that personal experience of the divinity within us all.
That inner guidance we trust is our own personal experience of the divine presence that lives, moves and has Its being through us. Divine intelligence – by whatever name you choose to call it – is always looking for a way to express in ways only we can individually articulate.
This week in the daily edition of my blog, found on the Facebook® page for Spirit, Mind and Body Foundation, we’re going to be discussing personal expressions of God in all four major areas of our lives, plus three additional situations for your consideration.
I invite you to join in this dialog! Take time to examine the driving force in your life – be it God/Spirit/Divine Love or the facts of scientific knowledge and discovery. How have you adjusted your views of these forces in your life over the years? Does what you’ve been taught to believe still serve you? I look forward to hearing your answers!
In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,