August 19, 2015

I used to frequent a very special beach on the Jersey Shore every year. It’s the only place like it in the area. While peaceful during the week, the weekends are full of crowds, many of who are not there for the beauty and uniqueness of this shoreline. A friend of mine taught me to do a garbage run before packing up to leave. We take along extra plastic bags and fill them with as much trash and litter as... Read more

August 12, 2015

Have you ever heard the expression, “Mind your own beeswax,” or used it yourself? I was an inquisitive child. My grandma Esther would use that phrase on me quite liberally when I was being too nosey about things that she thought didn’t concern me. The phrase is simply a nicer way to tell someone to mind their own business, in spite of all the urban myths about the history of why this saying came to be. But recently I found... Read more

August 5, 2015

Have you ever heard the term “relentless positive action.” Positive action I get. I have been practicing living a more forward moving, positively enforced life for over two decades. I just published a book that deals with this, I’ve taught it in classes and congregations and work with clients doing this. But “relentless?” Our oldest cat, Dillon, is a model of Principle in Action. Dillon loves to drape himself over you and then fall fast asleep. He’s not particular about... Read more

July 29, 2015

We have all seen televangelists or motivational speakers. Some of them seem to have the same smile on their face constantly. I find that kind of perennial “happy go lucky” or “everything is just wonderful all the time” attitude incredibly unbelievable. No one is happy all the time. When we admit that the only constant in the universe is change we also realize that “shift” happens and we are not always going to like it. In the Science of Mind... Read more

July 15, 2015

Are you a quitter? Do you give up easily? Actually, that might not be a bad thing! Think about these statements: “I give up!” “Oh for heaven’s sake:  give – it – up!” “And now, give it up for …” “I gave it up and I feel so much better.” Do you see how many different ways we can use this simple term? We live in a society that promotes never giving up, no matter what the costs. Think of... Read more

July 8, 2015

Are you a trust worthy person? I’m sure you probably are. I sincerely believe people usually do the right thing when it comes to honesty. But are there trust issues in your life you’ve been ignoring? When thinking of trust issues I suggest most of us think not of ourselves, but more often than not a partner, family member or friend who has lied to us in the past.  It’s especially hard for some of us, myself included, to re-establish... Read more

July 1, 2015

How easy it is for you to change your opinion? It can be a very difficult thing to do if an opinion has been cultivated over time, often as a result of what other people have convinced us is the truth. I once knew a woman who thought “The National Inquirer” was gospel. If she read something in that newspaper it was fact. It seemed ridiculous to me, even naïve. Unfortunately, that same line of thinking is seen today in... Read more

June 24, 2015

Whether or not we are aware of it, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect operates at all times in our lives. Our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, are constantly forming our reality. The results of those thoughts produce what we think are rewards and consequences. It is our ego that is into judging, not the Universe. We judge some outcomes and situations as rewards, sometimes even miracles. Other results we deem consequences or occasionally disasters. It is easiest to... Read more

June 17, 2015

Are you longing – even pining – for that one thing that will make everything perfect? Well stop it. It ain’t happening, sugar plum. Forgive me if this week’s blog is a little more “in your face” than normal. It’s meant to be offered in love, but it’s a tougher love than I’m normally known for. As I write this piece I realize there is an area of my life that is not just stagnate, but actually quite dead with... Read more

June 10, 2015

Is your life affected by the actions of others? More specifically, are you allowing someone else to stop you from having the life you want? Madisyn Taylor recently wrote, Often, when we’re unhappy, we fall into the habit of thinking that, if only one or two particular things in our life would change, everything would be fine. As she goes on to point out, that’s only true a small part of the time. Perhaps we are single, lonely and have... Read more

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