The Sky Is Not Falling Here.

The Sky Is Not Falling Here. April 12, 2016

This Just In – According to the interwebs, it seems that the sky may be falling in some parts of the Pagan/Polytheist/Witch/Heathen/Druid/ or ____(fill in your tradition) world.

And In Other News – In an unrelated report, there’s also quite a bit going on in the Pagan/Polytheist/Witch/Heathen/Druid/ or ____(fill in your tradition) world that’s just excellent and fine thank you very much.

Our crack reporting team has discovered these amazing, yet true* stories.

Sunnyvale, California – A group of witches from different traditions met this past weekend. They ate. They drank.

The scene of civil discourse
The scene of civil discourse

They talked of witch-related things. They drank some more. Then ate some more. More talking also happened. No one was asked to leave the conversation because they were doing it wrong.

Various Places Around The U.S.  –  Many Gods West – The Second Coming (Our title. The organizers seem not to have gone with our suggestion apparently) is well under way. California Witch Camp, Spiral Heart Witch Camp and British Columbia Witch Camp are all busy working on their rituals and path offerings. PantheaCon 2017 is probably being planned and Jason Mankey has already submitted four proposals. One is allegedly named “The Horned God’s Rock & Roll Tribute to Led Zeppelin featuring Jim Morrison and the 1899 Orchestra.”

Ancient Redwood Grove, California – Gwion went for a walk in the redwoods this past week with a dear friend who, among other things, happens to be a secular humanist. They discussed polytheism and polytheistic thinking as a counterpoint to monotheistic values and “this or that” thinking. To our best knowledge, no ancient redwoods fell down. Also, Gwion still believes in the gods. His friend doesn’t. They are still friends.

An Otherworld, Somewhere – Eostre and Ishtar have completedISH their profiles and it turns out that they aren’t related at all. In a joint press conference, the two commented that they “knew it all along but were hoping it was true anyway”. Ishtar did reveal that the pair are planning to dress up as each other for Halloween because they are still besties.

All Over England – Pagan-type, witchy, druidy people are watching the news and wondering just what the deal is with the U.S Elections this year. It has also been reported that an ancient burial site has just been unearthed in Upper Little Soddington. The chamber is estimated to be from the early Iron Age and contains one jewel encrusted sword, a vase of petunias and a tablet that states that zero fucks are given about who’s a real witch or not.

Greater San Francisco Bay Area – 

The owner of this shop is way cool!
The owner of this shop is way cool!

The Sacred Well, The Mystic Dream, Ancient Ways and Milk & Honey along with a few other occult, hoodoo and botanica type shops all report that people are coming in and asking questions about readings and stones and tarot decks and where to find a ritual or a coven or a besom or a statue of Eostre dressed up as Ishtar.


And Finally…

There are people all over the world working magic and going to  their day jobs and doing rituals and offering devotions to their gods and meeting in groves and writing books and exploring meaningful archetypal images that resonate on some deep and profound level with them and talking with each other about building community and ferreting out racists and calling out bullies and finding solutions for climate change and championing the important causes and making space for those without voices to be heard and just looking for a little support here and there.

Be lovely and truthful and kind whenever you can.

*”True” being defined as “Some accounts are factual and some are complete bollocks in other cases”




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