Spirits of Place are the unseen energies, or entities, that dwell in the same places that you do. Some might consider the Spirits of Place as Fae beings. Others might look at the Spirits of Place as tutelary spirits. While others might feel that the Spirits of Place are the beauty of nature itself. However you might experience the Spirits of Place, connecting with them can greatly improve your life.
Real Life
The mundane world can sometimes feel like a boring disappointment. Paying bills, vacuuming the living room, giving the dog her flea pill, washing the dishes; boring. It’s easy for us to want the fantasy of magick. Being a wizard firing power through a wand, watching a dragon fly overhead, being the heroine of a dramatic adventure. The call of fantasy can be alluring and the grind of every day life can make it feel like magick is far away or non-existent.
That’s what the real magick of the Spirits of Place is all about. Magick is all around us all of the time.
Spirits of Place
The striking colors of a sunset. The briny smell and pull of the ocean. Watching a wild animal go about its business in its natural habitat. Sitting in the warmth of the summer sun, feeling the heat on your skin. Breathing in the chill of the winter air, feeling the bite of cold on your lungs. Dancing in the rain. Smelling a rose in full bloom. Eating a piece of ripe fruit right off of the tree. Digging toes into wet sand. Listening to the sound of sing birds. These are all signs that you may have connected to the Spirits of Place.
The world is full of romantic and inspiring beauties. There are adventures around every corner. We experience magick with every breath. It is these seemingly small things that help us to see the Spirits of Place. It’s vital to the health of our planet and to our own personal health that we connect to the Spirits of Place. When we are in alignment with the flow of the world around us we are connected to that Spirit.
This is one of the precepts of Paganism and Witchcraft that goes beyond tradition, training, or system of practice. Respect of the natural world is a rule. There is magick in every blade of grass, every flower breaking through the pavement, every bud and blossom.