Dear amazing readers and friends, The Worthington Post is moving to a bigger house! Here’s the deal – For four years I’ve been nurturing this writing thing, and 2+ years ago it turned into this blog here on It allowed me to write what I want, when I wanted, cost me $0, and kept it simple. That last part is huge for me, I might add. I never got into the notion of moving it over to, which... Read more
Why I’m Cheering for “Popular Science”
A little over a week ago, Popular Science published an article called “Why We’re Shutting Off Our Comments.” In it, the magazine announced that, from now on, it would no longer allow comments on stories it publishes online. An old friend from college posted the article on Facebook, tagging me and a few others asking our opinions on the decision. My response was this: “You had me at the title. I don’t even need the ‘Why’ at the beginning of it.” I can... Read more