Capital Punishment Is A Barbaric Human Sacrifice Ritual

Capital Punishment Is A Barbaric Human Sacrifice Ritual September 30, 2015

By the time you read this, despite two judges of the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals finding that the evidence against him was flawed and tenuous, Richard Glossip will (barring a miracle) be dead, murdered by the government of Oklahoma.

There is no rational reason for this. There is no sound argument that these occasional killings by the government make citizens safer or more free.

It is nothing but a human sacrifice ritual, some atavistic hold-over from the worst-old-days of superstition when we had no idea how the world worked and hoped that blood would appease the hidden powers. That’s why the guilt or innocence of the executed is ultimately irrelevant to the process; what’s important is that someone die.

It’s a sad day to be an American.

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