April 14, 2016

Horror might be defined as the subgenre of speculative fiction that sets out to disturb the emotions in order to investigate the boundaries of the human condition....In other words, you are supposed to be upset. Disturbed. Displaced and discomforted. Read more

April 9, 2016

Those who don't train or are new to the martial arts often think of a black belt as denoting mastery. But really it means only a competence in the basics. We call the first black belt rank "shodan", which means "beginner's rank." (The "sho" here is the same as "shoshin", "beginner's mind/heart".) It's an important milestone but traditional martial arts are a lifetime pursuit and one does not master them in the handful of years it takes to earn shodan ranking. Read more

March 26, 2016

Batman and Superman matter, because the tales of the superheroes are our modern myths. By “superheroes” here I mean not just the DC and Marvel pantheons, but all the larger-than-life heroes of popular speculative fiction: Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, Frodo and Sam, Kirk and Spock. These stories are to a modern American what the tales of Heracles and Jason and Apollo were to a citizen of ancient Athens. Read more

March 24, 2016

A golden apple is no trinket. You don't just pop over to the produce aisle of your local supermarket and pick one up. Retrieving a golden apple was the penultimate labor of Heracles, and it was not a trivial task. But we're asked to believe that Eris repeated one of the greatest feats of Heracles in order to pull off a prank? I don't think so. Read more

March 17, 2016

Confused progressives have been celebrating the shutdown of the Trump rally as a victory. But it was neither a moral victory nor a tactical one. If anything, it put Donald Trump closer to the White House. Read more

March 15, 2016

What's remarkable is that the collision happened because, in effect, we were operating under different sets of coordinates. I oriented my partner and myself relative to that crazy wall AB, while the other pair oriented themselves to the square portion of the room. And neither of these is more or less correct than the other. Read more

March 8, 2016

It's a funny thing about those inner voices. Many voices together make an incomprehensible noise. It's only when things become relatively more quiet, when only one at a time is talking, that we can clearly make out what's being said. Read more

March 3, 2016

But, gee, Patheos, since you asked for more politics...well. I feel a little clickbaity here, but let's start with that idea you're basing this on: that American politics consists of two and only two constituencies. Read more

February 29, 2016

Kameyama asked several priests to exorcise the ghosts, and they came and did all sorts of elaborate and involved and powerful rituals to break the ghosts' power. But they all failed. Finally he invited Fumon, a priest of the relatively new Zen sect of Buddhism, to take a crack at it. Rather than raising a fuss to dispel the haunting, Fumon and his disciples sat in silent meditation. The ghosts disappeared. Read more

February 25, 2016

If you find the bullet spiritually horrifying but are perfectly comfortable with the blade or the bow appearing in ritual, I have to ask you to consider carefully the origins of that attitude and whether it is consistent with the actual nature of these items, or whether you've been caught up in a distorting social construct. Read more

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