TD Jakes, P. Diddy & the Sexual Accusations

TD Jakes, P. Diddy & the Sexual Accusations December 31, 2023

If you’ve never heard of TD Jakes, The Potter’s House, or P. Diddy, you may possibly be living under a rock, or perhaps simply disinterested in the Black church’s drama. With ever-evolving social media posts swirling, it’s a bit difficult to ignore. Nonetheless, let’s catch you up to speed. The sexual accusations against Bishop Jakes may have arisen from this post. A Tik Tok prophet went live regarding a prophecy she received in September of 2022 revealing words of downfall for the popular gospel minister. Then, a few weeks ago, pictures of Bishop Jakes and Puff Daddy Combs surfaced along with alleged videos of Jakes attending Diddy’s parties. This in and of itself would not have been as resonant had Diddy himself not been accused of possible alleged sexual impropriety. However, the proverbial hot water social media placed Jakes in boiled as he’s been accused of alleged homosexual acts with both industry stars and underaged males. He was also criticized on social media for defending the LGBTQ+ community when suggesting the community be accepted as is in the Black church as they too need to hear the Word of The Lord. More recently, Jakes went viral for a police officer performing a pop song on his talk show. Some commentary suggests the cop was overly flamboyant to have appeared on Jakes’s show.

TD Jakes has preached the gospel since the 1990’s, perhaps earlier than that as I tuned-in to his programming as a novice educator. It felt special since he hailed from West Virginia where I majored in English literature at the University of Charleston. However, about ten years ago, I discontinued following him as God elevated me to ministers preaching freedom from witchcraft and forms of evil projections exercised in the Old Testament. I can’t say that I had any inkling of the present day scandal rumors. I simply needed other.  I do remember a sermon many years ago, where Jakes discussed homosexuality, and possibly why men who practiced such sexual lifestyles were prone to it due to the body’s natural sexual receptors. In essence, God established our body parts to feel certain sensations. Therefore, homosexual sex awakened these physical sensations although the act itself was not necessarily ordained by God. (I am paraphrasing.) In short, I didn’t find it disturbing, just extremely insightful coming from Jakes especially for the time period as it was the late nineties and sex was not discussed from the pulpit except when women were to keep their dress hems down. In my mind, he redeemed any concerns when he came out with a music CD, Sacred Love Songs, for married couples. One song, in particular, stuck out to me: Satin Sheets. The lyrics exposed the fact that men don’t like satin sheets because they slide, but my Puritan mind was thinking he was warning women not to engage in satin sheet purchases. Maybe, that is what he meant. It just sits differently, today, and the fact that particular song stood out to me. ‘Cause, honestly, I don’t remember any others. Shortly after the release, I believe Prophetess Juanita Bynum came by with her No More Sheets message, and I no longer played Jake’s CD as I was unmarried and struggling with keeping my hands off my ex-boyfriend.

Now, you know about the alleged scandal. What’s next? This is where critics will weigh-in with their own prescriptions. Mine is this. You are allowed to feel any way in which you do. Albeit, there are three elements I would like to discuss: 1. Satan, sex, and ministers, 2. Money & ministry, and 3. Are we truly praying for our pastors?

Satan, Sex, and Ministers

Yes, we ultimately are liable for our response to Satan’s devices, but ministers have it twelve times as hard. You may be asking if I am refuting the allegations, the answer is no. I’m not professing them, either. However, I am illuminating pulpit struggles. This is not a one-sided article. It is one to confront the reality of the spirit realm. While gifts come not with repentance, those called of God to preach the gospel do not call themselves. Many times, they must overcome poverty, and insurmountable tasks, spiritually, to elevate ministerially. Given free-will, the elevated individual is responsible for remaining humble, and on course, but we know Satan desires his victims to falter. The spiritual-sobriety-walk is often assigned arsenals of attacks in an attempt to disarm the most straight-laced man/woman of God. Sex-in-particular is one way the enemy of our soul comes to undermine the integrity of a minister. Like Jakes says, we may become engrossed with the scientific sensation produced by our bodies. Although, it’s important to remember, biblically, these feelings were created for the likes of a godly union. Once the union between a minister and his/her wife/husband fragments, Satan’s strategic wedge disarms the God-like formation capable of crippling the kingdom of darkness as two in the spirit realm, especially a husband and wife, can preponderantly outweigh a single person combatting demonic darts. Sexual sins are personal, they can create stubborn, controlling, sexual soul-ties. Utilizing perverse dreams to advertise his campaign, Satan attempts to convince the dreamer of his agenda. The devil, then, attempts to mirror the dream in the physical world. Additionally, sex of any kind can be addicting. Spirits are conjured to consistently lay with an individual even in the presence of a wife, or husband, in hopes of tearing a marriage apart. These jealous spirits rob the marriage bed and create disharmony. Most importantly, Satan uses sex as a shaming platform, to humiliate, via ritual or other, and publicly disgrace ministers, leaving their congregations broken, unable to trust again. or incapable of forgiveness based on acts possibly involved. With the minister omitted from the picture, Satan tries to persuade a percentage of parishioners to his side bringing further damnation to God’s people. (Divide and conquer.)

Money & the Ministry

Another way Satan publicly disgraces the preacher is to plague him/her with greed. Those who struggle with a love of money, may be most likely to fall.  In my book, The Church is Broke(n), I delve into personal experiences with different deliverance ministers, and other types of preachers, regarding the effects monetary donations played on our spiritual relationship.

Are congregants truly praying for their pastors?

Each and every one of us has a past, issues we presently are challenged with, and a lineage in which we may, or may not, be privy. If we take a brief look into Jake’s immediate family members, his son was arrested for indecent exposure allegations, and his daughter birthed a child out of wedlock at a tender age of 13. Is this a sign of ancestral complications in the spirit realm? Sins of our forefathers often determine responses to personal satanic attacks. Do we pray for discernment when choosing a minister? Or, are we caught up in the popularity and pomps and circumstance of the individual and forego due diligence? Do we spend time before God asking God to cover our ministers from these scandalous attacks from the inception of their rising?  Do we consistently seek God to keep the minister? What about the first family in general? In 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 (KJV), we are commanded to pray for our leaders, not only in governing bodies, but in our churches. Are we turning our plates down for the ones who do so for us. I must admit, I’m guilty. I pray for all my ministers, but fasting… not so much. The latest allegations serve as a wake up call to all who believe in Yahweh. We must begin seeking God for His wisdom in our ministerial choices and in our daily walk with ministers. While respecting authority is essential, it’s alright to question within reason.  We can simply leave our cares before God. Our prayers will yield answers and responses we need. I am a witness that God responds to questions. Although, He really does regard His own timetable, yet He speaks in ways we understand, unexpectedly. Whether Jakes will be found culpable to any of the floating accusations is to be seen. He, yet, deserves our prayers. If interested, seek the Ancient of Days for how one must proceed.





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