Bannon/Trump does not trump the constitution: new lawsuit filed

Bannon/Trump does not trump the constitution: new lawsuit filed February 1, 2017

Steve Bannon, Chief White House strategist
Steve Bannon, Chief White House strategist, photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

Please note: from this point forward, I intend to refer to the POTUS as Bannon/Trump. This nomenclature reflects the reality that it is white supremacist Steve Bannon that calls most of the shots right now and acts as de-facto president. Here is an excellent analysis of the rise of President

The following article explains another lawsuit that has been filed against the immigration ban. The chaos that election of Bannon/Trump has brought about, not to mention the heartbreak.

Keep in mind: There is not one possibly remote Christian underpinning to the ban. AND, we also have extreme vetting in place. This link displays the current steps all potential refugees must undergo to gain entrance and asylum in the US.

[For more information about a possible Bannon/Trump coup, watch the video on this site.]

New immigration ban lawsuit: ‘Trump does not trump the Constitution’

DETROIT — President Donald Trump’s immigration ban has triggered yet another lawsuit, this one filed in federal court in Detroit on behalf of several Muslim green card holders who are trapped overseas, including a 9-year-old boy who was denied a visa to join family in the U.S. The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit is the Arab…

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