Truth Sets Us Free, But Trump’s Lies Killed Thousands

Truth Sets Us Free, But Trump’s Lies Killed Thousands November 30, 2020

Trump’s lies have hastened the deaths of approximately 266,000 people SO FAR in the US. I would not be in the least surprised to see that number double in the next three months. We are facing an unnecessary apocalypse, all because of an inability or an unwillingness to speak truth.

lies kill

The juxtaposition of those two headlines in the Monday, Nov 30, 2020, WSJ is quite interesting. Folks, Covid-19 cases will explode in the next few weeks–what we see now will be nothing compared to new cases in the middle of December.

Sure, most who get it will be fine . . . unless they are elderly, overweight, male, any racial makeup but Caucasian, lower-income, or with other medical conditions like cancer or diabetes. For many of them–and that group encompasses a significant percentage of those in the US–getting the novel coronavirus can be disastrous–and for hospitals, which are already at or surpassing full capacity, expect to see patients turned away with care rationed.

But just a tiny bit of truth from the man who has now, thankfully, been voted out as President could have averted this giant, national tragedy.

More than that, Mr. Trump likely would have been re-elected had he shown reasonable, mature leadership in the face of this national crisis–which he was fully aware of from the beginning but chose to downplay for the sake of his ego.

But he chose to lie, over and over and over again.

Trump’s lies have hastened the deaths of approximately 266,000 people SO FAR in the US. I would not be in the least surprised to see that number double in the next three months. We are facing an unnecessary apocalypse, all because of an inability or an unwillingness to speak truth.

He could have asked us all to face the danger with available techniques; he could have asked us all to take significant personal responsibility to stop the spread; he could have asked us all to recognize that each of us has a larger responsibility for the health of our nation.

He didn’t. And now we die, by the thousands. And, now, we even have people dying of Covid-19 while insisting that the whole thing was a hoax to take down Mr. Trump.

Again, Mr. Trump’s lies have killed people. The layers of tragedy here boggle the mind.

Jesus stated it so clearly, “The truth sets you free.” All can find spectacular freedom in speaking truth, in acknowledging ignorance, in the willingness to learn outside our comfort zones or current informational bubbles.

We must now live out of truth.

So what do we do now?

The same thing we should have done at the beginning: stay home where possible and, when going out is necessary, mask up carefully, keep your distance and wash your hands. Watch out for your neighbors and offer help to those who are struggling to take care of themselves. Help keep the hospitalization rates lower by doing every single thing possible to maintain your own health.

Eat properly, get enough sleep and regular exercise, go into the sunshine if you can (take a look at the Vitamin D and Covid-19 research), and, the saddest of all, don’t attend in-person church gatherings for the time being.

It continues to break my heart to have to write things like this. Online worship is far better than nothing, but a poor substitute for being with a group of people who seek together to acknowledge the grace of God in public worship, praying and singing together, participating in the corporate act of Holy Communion, letting the words of Holy Scripture wash over our souls, offering hugs of comfort and genuine friendship.

Everyone who has experienced the transcendent moments coming from these acts of worship has an ache in their souls over that current lack. I worry terribly about the children who will miss these important moments, despite their parents’ best efforts to provide them in alternative ways.

But we must, for now, choose wisdom and still recognize that God is alive and active in this time of deprivation.

The church will find the resurrection on the other side of this, but it will be forever changed. But we who chose to stay centered on the grace of God must also take the leadership here in speaking truth: It is time to stay apart.

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