My Tiny Protest About Anti-Gay Legislation in Arizona

My Tiny Protest About Anti-Gay Legislation in Arizona February 25, 2014

Iā€™m just going to add my puny little voice to this situation where a bill has been passed by the Arizona Legislature to permit business owners to deny service to anyone they think may be part of the GLBTQ community. Many have already made eloquent links to this bill and our shameful national memories of refusing service to anyone whose skin wasnā€™t white enough to pass the color test. Governor Jan Brewer now faces the responsibility to either sign, or not sign, that bill.

Now, assuming that she signs, Iā€™m not sure how business owners are going to determine who is and who is not gay, so Iā€™m making this suggestion: Ā Letā€™s do what the Naziā€™s did and create a symbol for people to wear. The Naziā€™s insisted that all Jews wear a yellow star on their clothes so everyone would know they were actually vermin, not really people. Perhaps along with this law, the noble Arizona legislators need to also require a new symbol for all the GLBTQĀ folk to wear so there is no chance of accidentally serving one of ā€œthem.ā€

And I promise you: Ā I will wear one in solidarity.

Now, I want to make this clear: Ā I am NOT out toĀ trivialize the horror of the Holocaust. We are not sending a population to the gas chambers. Ā I am NOT calling the Arizona Legislatures ā€œNaziā€™s.ā€ They are not that corrupt.

I am saying: This is how it starts: one group thinks they are superior to another, and that gives them the right to expel the other.

And it is about as anti-Christian and anti-American as anything Iā€™ve seen.

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