When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hilary,” part two

When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hilary,” part two July 14, 2016

Reader, I married him
Reader, I married him

Part one of the saga of two people with radically different political views can be found here.

We are not talking much about politics these days. I look at the stuff slanted my way; he looks at the stuff slanted his way.

But we’ve both got problems.

Personally, I am horrified by what I have seen of the proposed Republican platform.

As the NY Times puts it, the platform “amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012–especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.

They described it as “a text that can seem almost Victorian in its moralizing and deeply critical of how the modern American family has evolved.”

In other words, all the agonizing done after the 2012 loss of the Presidency to the Democrats went to naught. They’ll be more white, older, more privileged, and less open to differences than before. I suppose that is why 80% of self-proclaimed Evangelicals are supporting Trump. Yet another slap on the possibility of Christianity actually making any impact on the world.

So, naturally, I think I am justified in thinking “not only anyone but Donald, but anyone except Republicans.”

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