The Link 8.14.09: Awkward Family Photos, Pastor-Theologians, and People Growth

The Link 8.14.09: Awkward Family Photos, Pastor-Theologians, and People Growth August 14, 2009

awkwardfamily1. One of the single funniest websites I’ve come across is Awkward Family Photos.  The title tells the story.  Your life will be more complete by visiting this site.

2. Gerald Hiestand of Harvest Bible Chapel (home of renowned preacher James MacDonald) has the best single piece I’ve seen on the pastor-theologian.  Seminarians and pastors, this is a must-read.  If you have a good mind, do not assume that you should teach.  Maybe that’s what the Lord has for you, but the church very much needs gifted pastors who can serve as theologians in some capacity.  It’s so good I’m linking to it twice.

3. Some good quotations from writers on writing.  In my opinion, too many evangelicals, particularly reformed evangelicals, write solely to communicate.  We need people to write for that reason, absolutely, but we should also value writing as an end, not merely a means to an end.  We’ll talk more about this some other time.

4. Tim Challies has done a great series with Burk Parsons of Ligonier Ministries (R.C. Sproul’s ministry) that is nothing less than engrossing. (I give you part four of four cause it has all the links.)  Parsons was asked to be a member of both the Backstreet Boys and N*Sync (did I do that right?).  Precious few of us in the evangelical world, particularly the reformed slice of it, can claim that…

5. Thong underwear for a seven-year-old?  Methinks not.  Dannah Gresh of the excellent Girls Gone Wise website writes a thoughtful piece on the matter.  She makes two great points that I noted: 1) Real change comes when Christians weigh in on these matters (see what happened with Abercrombie, detailed in the article) and 2) Christians need not be solely negative in such campaigns (as shown in her drive to support stores that refuse to sexualize youth).

6. For those of you who enjoy watching people getting dunked on, here’s a nasty one courtesy of superfrosh John Wall of UK over Jerry Stackhouse.  Thanks, Z–is this what you do in men’s league in Albuquerque?

7.  And here’s Stackhouse with his own vintage “cram.” Wow.  Over fifteen years later, you still have to recoil at that one…particularly over Dukies…

8. Found this blog from Denny Burk’s excellent site.  Looks very good.

9. Have you heard about the upcoming People Growth conference at TEDS (October 13-16)?  It looks terrific: Carson, Dever, Jensen, Payne, Helm.  It’s cheap ($100) and it offers a great perspective on ministry: ministry is about people, not numbers. Co-sponsored by the Henry Center.

–Have a great weekend, all.  Drink some good coffee.

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