The Link 10.24.09: Evangel, Warren Buffett’s Money, and Vanhoozer on Pastor-Theologians

The Link 10.24.09: Evangel, Warren Buffett’s Money, and Vanhoozer on Pastor-Theologians October 24, 2009

1. First Things is now hosting a cool blog of evangelicals talking about public square issues in an accessible way.  It’s called evangel, and it features folks like Justin Taylor, Russ Moore, and more.

2. A NYT profile of Warren Buffett’s son Howard, who is presently finding ways to spend billions of dollars for philanthropic causes.

3. Kevin Vanhoozer recently dropped the following gem at the Renewing the Evangelical Mission conference at Gordon-Conwell (HT: JT):

Seminary faculties need the courage to be evangelically Protestant for the sake of forming theological interpreters of Scripture able to preach and minister the word. The preacher is a “man on a wire,” whose sermons must walk the tightrope between Scripture and the contemporary situation. I believe that we should preparing our best students for this gospel ministry. The pastor-theologian, I submit, should be evangelicalism’s default public intellectual, with preaching the preferred public mode of theological interpretation of Scripture. 

4. Speaking of the conference mentioned above, the Washington Post wrote it up.  Worth reading.

5. One journeyman NBA player’s travels.  Fun to read about.

–Have a great weekend, all.

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