You can be a part of movie history. A group of courageous and award-winning filmmakers are committed to doing a documentary film on Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist who killed dozens, hundreds, and perhaps thousands of babies by delivering them at his clinic and then severing their spinal cord with scissors.
The film is being crowdfunded and needs $2.1 million dollars by May 12, 2014. It has currently raised $1.36 million through Indiegogo. That’s under 20 days. If you’re pro-life, I strongly encourage you to support this film. Just go to Indiegogo and sign up–it takes 2-3 minutes. If you’re on social media–Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc–I strongly encourage you to spread the word. Take a risk for the cause of truth!
The mainstream media ignored the Gosnell trial. In the face of horrific killings of babies, America has averted its face. Let’s do all we can to see this movie funded.