It’s no secret that the biblical term “head” and the theological concept “headship” are not popular today. This is true because they elegantly explain the husband’s role in marriage. He is head of his wife according to Ephesians 5:22-33.
I just wrote a piece entitled “10 Ways to Exercise Christlike Headship” for the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood that spells out 10 practical, boots-on-the-ground ways that men can exercise Christlike headship in the home. This is the Bible’s summative word on what manhood is to be: husbands are literally to be like Jesus in their leadership.
Here’s a brief swatch from the CBMW blog:
2. Christlike male headship means that like the best leaders—generals, presidents, coaches, and so on—you solicit gobs of wisdom from wise counselors (namely, your wife). You generously and gladly solicit your wife’s wisdom. If your relationship is like mine, she will put you to shame in this category. She will have good idea after good idea. None of this threatens you or upsets you. The strongest men are not those who never listen. The strongest men are those who are so confident in Christ that they crave wisdom, celebrate humility, and are glad, not threatened, when others contribute.
It is a joy to champion Christlike male headship, and to have the opportunity to show a skeptical world that God’s plan is good and good for us. Christianity nowhere allows men to be domineering or unkind or selfish. It everywhere calls men to be self-sacrificial and kind, just like our Lord and Savior.