One of the ministries that most encourages me when I think about God’s global work is that led by Miguel Núñez in the Dominican Republic. Núñez is the pastor of Iglesia Bautista Internacional (International Baptist Church) in Santo Domingo, a thriving congregation of over 2,000 people. What most encourages me about Núñez’s work is not the size of the church, though–it’s the fact that he teaches and preaches the whole counsel of God.
Núñez is one of our 2016 CBMW T4G pre-conference speakers. His topic: “The Spiritual Power of Unashamed Preaching.” I can’t wait to hear him expound this theme. Miguel is unashamed of Christ, and his rich pulpit ministry has resulted in hundreds and hundreds of men flocking to ministry, as CBMW reported some months back. (Register now for “The Beauty of Complementarity.”)
Here’s a selection from Matt Damico’s great longform CBMW profile of the pastor:
Núñez faced the reality of male vacancy when International Baptist Church began, and there were no men to lead. “Most of the people coming were women, like in every church in Latin America. We decided we would pray for men. And the men began to come.”
What does Núñez do when the men show up? Don’t let this surprise you: he teaches. “We need to teach men that they’re created in the image of God, and that the role of a man is the role of a man no matter where he is. It might look one way at home, and another way at church, and another way at work, but he is a leader by design. So, we need to help them see the image of God in that, and teach them to know how the image of God looks in different settings.”
The theme continues: “Every 18 months or so, I take a group of men and try to develop them as leaders,” Núñez said. “That training goes for about 9-12 months, meeting every two weeks in my house. This is not doctrinal training, this is leader training.”
Register now to hear from this wise man of God. It’s not often you get to see the Lord raise up a leader who is used to play a role in sparking Christian witness in a city, a country, a whole region. This is what is happening in Latin America through the work of Núñez, his church, and the broader ministry anchored there. Read more about what is happening through this church here.
The Lord is up to big things in the DR and beyond, as I got to see in September 2015 as a speaker at the Se Hombre (Be a Man) conference. (Listen to the powerful, specially-created conference theme song here.) I and fellow speakers Gavin Peacock, Tim Challies, and Grant Castleberry saw firsthand during our inspiring trip that in a confused age, the Lord is doing something remarkable in Latin America to spread a hunger for his truth, the whole counsel, the word of Christ that transforms every aspect of men and women, leaving them trophies of his grace.