August 23, 2011

Real friends always tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it and it hurts you to hear it. That’s why I love Candie Flores, she has always told me the truth about myself even when I did not want to hear it and I’ve done the same for her. Sometimes that means we fight and don’t talk for a few days, but in the end we always are friends, in fact we are sisters. We will... Read more

August 18, 2011

Yesterday a few friends of mine put this for their status on Facebook: “When you carry the bible, Satan gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses. When he sees you reading it, he faints. When he sees that you are living what you read, he flees.” I couldn’t for the life of me figure out exactly what bothered me about it, until this morning. Then after my morning run (I’m so happy to say that!) it hit me.... Read more

August 6, 2011

1. This has been a great week!! Stacey put in a bid for a HUGE account and he got it. We are so excited. But that means so much more work for me. I used to beg and beg to help with the company. Now I wonder why I didn’t just keep my mouth shut and ask for a mansion and a margarita machine!! 2. I got into a debate with a man over the pro-life issue this week. Unlike most pro-choice... Read more

August 2, 2011

Matthew 4:13 When Jesus heard of the death of John the Baptist, he withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself.  Yesterday’s Gospel reading was about the multiplication of the loaves.  Father Dean hit on something interesting that I had never thought of. The Gospel began with Jesus finding out about the death of his cousin, John the Baptist. When Jesus heard the news about His cousin’s death, who he was  very close to,  he wanted to be alone.... Read more

July 30, 2011

      1. Well here is my first 7 quick take Friday. I have no idea what I’m doing so if this is the stupidest post ever then I’ve done better than I thought. 2. I was reminded yesterday that in just 22 more days summer will be over and we will back to trying to figure out how to get 4 kids to actually learn something in school and not be a drop out statistic. Then we have to... Read more

July 28, 2011

There I was, a 16 year old junior in High school thinking that I knew everything.  I tried not to throw up as I sat there waiting to see whether or not that little stick was going to tell me if I was going to be a mother or not.  Not because I was nervous, but because I worked at Long John Silver’s and the smell of fish frying was not working with me that day.  Once the stick ended... Read more

July 27, 2011

When I was going through RCIA I kept hearing stories of the lost sheep, and how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. I kept wondering why did God always talk about shepherds  and sheep? What was God’s deal with them? While Father Jonathan was talking to the kids about their sacraments and why they are important, he read them the parable of the lost sheep. He explained to them that it was a story of God’s love for us. Father Jonathan explained... Read more

July 11, 2011

As i was growing up the one thing that kept me from going to Church every Sunday and becoming Catholic was the idea that somehow Christians had a boring life, that was my excuse anyway. Holiness was BORRING. I was having fun, God loved me and that was that. Then as I did more and more things that I knew were wrong, that I knew went against God’s laws the more excuses I made. Looking back I see that making... Read more

July 7, 2011

I promised that I would tell the long story of how Stacey and I came to be. So here it is.  I’m not really sure where exactly to begin, like I said it’s a very long story, so I’m just going to start with the beginning as I know it and go from there. Kenedy and Three Rivers Texas are 2 small towns that are about 30 minutes apart it was between these two towns that our love story unfolded,... Read more

May 26, 2011

Last night I went and watched a movie with a girlfriend of mine. As usual, there were 2 hours of previews before it started. Most of them were previews for romantic comedies, and it got me thinking. Why is it that in this day and age when so many people think that “marriage is a dying institution” that there are so many movies about love? They all looked like cute and funny movies, and they all got some things about... Read more

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