I read every submission here. However, I don’t have time to answer all inquiries and sometimes I can fall behind quite a bit. Here are some suggestions before you write below:
- If you have a private question you think others might share, please try me at CuriousCat where you can submit anonymously.
- If you are looking for Catholic teaching on a topic, I’d suggest that you first try Googling with “site:Catholic.com OR site:EWTN.com OR site Vatican.va” added to your search. You can submit below if you are not sure after trying that.
- If you want me to read something you wrote, please explain how it fits into this blog or my other projects.
- If you want to republish my posts, there are two possibilities. First, if you just want to quote 100 or so words, I hereby grant full permission so long as you clearly link to the full article. This is whether a personal blog or a professional news organization. You can post here to inform me. Second, if you want to republish the whole article or have me move it to your site, please fill out the form below.
If you want me to come to talk to your parish, conference, etc.; please just put details below. As a general rule, I usually need at least 3 months notice.
If you want to help out, please consider supporting me on Patreon.