April 27, 2017

Beltane is PRIMARILY about the power of sexual attraction and fulfillment. The horey goat bellows of Pan and the moans of Aphrodite in heated arousal are not just symbols. Read more

March 6, 2017

Perennials are too involved with the underworld and with their connection to it to put much energy into the sexual world. What this means for a witch is that perennials ought to be first choice when working with the underworld. Read more

February 1, 2017

I honestly believe that Patheos remains the best outlet for Pagan bloggers in the wider online world. It connects us to something outside of our own bubble and exposes our writers, and our world, to a greater audience than would see it otherwise. I'm proud that I write for Patheos Pagan and that my content is shared next to writers from a variety of different faiths. In this current political climate it's something we need now more than ever. Read more

December 22, 2016

With over 1000 new articles this year alone choosing "the best" of Patheos Pagan in 2016 was close to impossible, but we gave it our best effort anyways! Read more

December 20, 2016

On the eve of winter solstice Dec. 20th we take a moment to pay homage to our ancestral matrons, as well as the Goddess who is about to rebirth our sun. This night was considered to be the most holy night to traditional Anglo-Saxon Heathens. Read more

December 19, 2016

In the Greek tradition, the sun has played an important role. It was personified firstly as the god Helios and latter was attributed to Apollo. The sun also played a large role in Greek philosophy, becoming connected with the Logos of Apollo. Read more

December 2, 2016

17th century Sweden, like many European countries, saw witch hunts and witch trials, and children often played a large role in the accusations of witchcraft. Read more

November 3, 2016

The people who love and depend on us need us to be healthy and whole more than they need us to be productive and perfect. Keeping this in mind is essential. Divination tools like the Tarot can be helpful for us when we are stuck on how to make that work. Read more

October 24, 2016

With so many different spiritualities present at Patheos Pagan I reached out to our writers and asked them what they were doing to celebrate the season. Not surprisingly, the answer was "all sorts of things!" Read more

October 20, 2016

Still, for those who authentically practice the ancient pagan ways, Samhain is a serious and holy date. For me this holiday signals a welcomed reconnection with darkness, the beginning of my winter inner journey. Read more

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