Why to not get a PhD…

Why to not get a PhD… January 14, 2005

…because you’ll start sounding like this:

Following Heigedder, truth for Gadamer is historical; that is, truth is truth only to a human being situated in time and place: “Being itself is an event of truth.” This commitment to the Husserlian-Heideggerian line of phenomenology leads Gadamer to adopt Husserl’s concept of “horizon” as a metaphor for the “flow of experience” that constitutes the human “temporality of consciousness.” The concept of horizon, then, both opens and delimits the human experience; on the one hand, the human is bounded by her situatedness and thus can only see so far beyond herself, yet on the other hand, she is not blind to possibilities of understanding other than her own. That is, the human being – the experience of Dasein – is both liberating and limiting, and the concept of “horizon” explains this dialectical existence.

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