Don't Mess with Texas

Don't Mess with Texas October 2, 2007

As usual, I had a great time in Texas last weekend. I mean it, a truly great time.

On Sunday morning I preaching at UBC-Waco. I love that church. I got to hang out with Ben, Dave (who says he’s going to endorse my book), and Josh, as well as others. You can listen to my sermon here — if you do, you might find something really juicy that you could blog about…

After worship, Josh and I met up with Roger Olson, his wife, nephew, and nephew’s girlfriend for some Cajun food (Josh is a wimp and had a Philly Cheese Steak). Roger and had I never met, and we had a great conversation.

Then I drove up to Dallas for the inauguration of The New Journey Zero.Com. Seriously, they’re going to give Watermark a run for the $$$$. It’s a great new new space — lots of room for large portraits of Jurgen Moltmann.

After BBQ and beers with the Journeyers, I stopped by Jason Mitchell’s house for some frivolity. It was genius. Wheels off.

Monday morning, back down to Baylor to speak at University Chapel. I loved it. Great kids, great staff, and a great shawarma sandwich for lunch with some Truett students and UBCers.

And I bought some new boots on my way back to the airport. You’ll see them soon.

I’m home for 24 hours and off to The Emergent Gathering this evening.

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