Episcopal Divorce

Episcopal Divorce December 10, 2007

Karen Ward weighs in on the San Joachin Diocese’s departure from the Episcopal Church (USA) here.

Money Quote:

In so doing, let us also not waste time and missional energy being ‘against’ those who are more conservative, but instead direct our energy and resources towards the DOING of mission, reconciliation and service NOW.
For this to happen we must not remain ‘hell-bent’ in upholding modernist rules and procedures that continue to shut out and choke off much of the new life and vitality seeking to grow and blossom within this church. – Emerging generation and missional leaders should NOT be turned away at our doors and left lacking for blessing and release =  authorization and credentialing to engage post box mission NOW.
Entrenched systems, rules and procedures that place obstacles in the way of emerging forms of outreach and mission MUST be set aside. Mission, reconciliation and service form the three-legged stool we must embrace NOW and in new and fresh ways.

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