Pay No Attention to the Publisher behind the Curtain

Pay No Attention to the Publisher behind the Curtain February 1, 2009

Andrew Sullivan weighs in on that question.

Traditional newspapers are dying, to be sure (although I think that some of them will have a future as non-profits).  Andrew thinks that traditional publishing (ink-on-dead-trees) is in a similar state.  Money quote:

My own view is that the publishing industry deserves to die in its
current state. It never made economic sense to me; there are no real
editors of books any more; the distribution network is archaic; the
technology of publishing pathetic; and the rewards to authors largely
impenetrable. I still have no idea what my occasional royalty
statements mean: they are designed to be incomprehensible, to keep the
authors in the dark, to maintain an Oz-like mystery where none is

BTW, I totally agree with him on the incomprehensibility of royalty statements.  I get statements from four different publishers, and I can’t understand any of them.

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