A Note from Andrew Root

A Note from Andrew Root July 26, 2010

My friend and co-conspirator, Andy Root, has a message for those of you in youth ministry:

Andrew Root (photo by Courtney Perry)

Hello Youth Ministry friends, I’m sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled blog reading, but I have broken into transmission to offer you an opportunity.

I wanted to get before you the chance to get a free copy of my book, Relationships Unfiltered. As the new school year approaches and you think about volunteer leader meetings and trainings I would like to suggest you take a look at Relationships Unfiltered. It’s written just for this setting with discussion questions and chapters filled with illustrations and stories–but also promises to get you and your team thinking theologically about your core practice this coming school year: forming relationships with young people.

Here’s what I can do: If you’ll email me I’ll send you a free copy of the book so you can look it over and decide if it would be of help to you and your volunteers.

If you’re interested in using it, you can then go to Zondervan.com or Zondervan.com/ministry and type in the code 980752 in the “source code” box.  Starting August 1 this will give you a 40% discount on as many books as you’d like.

And I’ll also offer this, if you do use the book with your team, I’m willing to do a select number of skype or ichat conversations with you and your team after getting through the book.

Tony again: I’m a huge fan of Andy’s books, so this is an offer I heartily endorse!  And, speaking of Andy, be sure to consider joining us at the next FirstThird Dialogue at Luther Seminary.  This one, slated for September 27-29, will tackle the issue of “Ministering to Children of Divorce.”  And, until August 7, registration is only $99! Info HERE.

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