Cathleen Falsani on the Evangelical Church and Gays

Cathleen Falsani on the Evangelical Church and Gays January 15, 2011

Cathleen Falsani

Falsani, author, most recently, of The Dude Abides: The Gospel According to the Coen Brothers, has taken to the Huffington Post to write about Jay Bakker’s new book and whether a tipping point may be on the horizon in which gays are embraced in mainstream evangelicalism:

Some of my dearest friends are gay.

Most of my dearest friends are Christians.

And more than a few of my dearest friends are gay Christians.

As an evangelical, that last part is not something that, traditionally and culturally, I’m supposed to say out loud. For most of my life, I’ve been taught that it’s impossible to be both openly gay and authentically Christian.

via Cathleen Falsani: Is Evangelical Christianity Having a Great Gay Awakening?.

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