Help Me Defeat Peter Rollins and Jay Bakker

Help Me Defeat Peter Rollins and Jay Bakker April 27, 2011

Countdown to the Wild Goose Festival

I’m going to the Wild Goose Festival.  I’m excited about.  Yeah, yeah, the talks will be good, and so will the music.  There will be great art, experiences of spirituality, and discussions about biblical justice. But this week, I’m most interested in defeating Jay Bakker and Peter Rollins. Each of us has been given a discount code, and the one of us that has the most registrants using our code will get Gareth Higgins’s goose, seen in the photo below.

So, register this week, and use the code tjones; you’ll save ten bucks, and you’ll help me defeat the powers of darkness.

Register for the Wild Goose Festival

Pete, Jay, and Tony want Gareth's Goose! (photo by Courtney Perry)

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