Writing a Book on Prayer

Writing a Book on Prayer July 27, 2011

Due only in part to the results of my Facebook Question, I’m going to take a stab at writing (another) book on prayer.  I’ve written two books specifically on prayer in the past, and one on spiritual practices in general, prayer included.  But this book will be more about the why of prayer than the how of prayer.

By way of preparation, I will start reading about prayer, capturing quotes and the like.  Earlier this week, I came across two very different artifacts on prayer.  The gap between these two show just how wide is the spectrum on how people understand prayer.

The first is this video, since gone viral, of a prayer before a NASCAR race:

The second is this quote from Abraham Joshua Heschel:

To speak about prayer is indeed presumptuous. There are no devices, no techniques; there is no specialized art of prayer. All of life must be a training to pray. We pray the way we live.

What are your favorite thoughts, quotes, and resources regarding prayer?

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