Who’s Lightin’ It Up? The Burner Blog

Who’s Lightin’ It Up? The Burner Blog October 2, 2013

A couple weeks ago, I started a Hump Day Series called “Got It Goin’ On.” What a great idea, I thought. But, like Led Zeppelin, I didn’t steal that idea. It just quietly seeped into my head from another source. And that source is The Burner Blog. You see, The Burner Blog has had a “Got It Goin’ On” feature for a long time, even giving out a pretty sweet badge for it:

When someone pointed this out to me, I had a V8 moment. So I’m giving it back to them, and renaming my series, Lightin’ It Up. Every Wednesday, I’ll point to someone, or organization, or blog that I think is kicking some ass and doing some good in the world.

This week, that honor goes to…

The Burner Blog! Funded by the the Berry Foundation and run by David Moore, the Burner Blog is a resource for pastors and other local church leaders, coming from Fuller Seminary. It includes book reviews, encouraging posts for pastors, and, my favorite feature, brutally honest reviews of conferences.

Here’s what I like about that lattermost aspect. Online, we can get all sorts of reviews of books, movies, music, and the like. But I don’t see many conference reviews. Sure, people write about what they learned at a conference, and some go online to bitch about about a bad conference. But what I appreciate about David is that he attends lots of conferences, and he writes evenhanded reviews about each of them. In fact, I’m hoping that he’ll attend Christianity21 and write about what he experiences there.

So add The Burner Blog to your feed. You’ll be glad you did, cuz they’re Lightin’ It Up!

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