In May of 2011, I did a stint guestblogging at Daylight Atheism, while Adam Lee went on vacation. The individual posts are listed below, and you can browse all of them here
- The Rapture of Charlie Sheen – As Howard Camping’s predicted rapture approached, atheists made sport of his delusion. Is there any point where a belief so obviously false that mocking its adherents is abusive? At what point is a false belief and resistance to reason indistinguishable from mental incompetence?
- Whom Should We Mock? – Is there any utility to mocking people who don’t already respect and/or trust you, and therefore cannot be shamed by you? It is just self-indulgent?
- Adapt or Die – Many Christians are cosmopolitan enough that finding out you disagree with them will not rock their world. What’s your next gambit?
- The Mormon Test -A conversation opener when talking to religious people about standards of proof.
- You Call That Religion? – After seeing The Book of Mormon, I think I’ve finally found something conservative Christians and atheists can agree on: Moral Therapeutic Deism is pernicious