Faith Requires Us to be Believers ~ Not Achievers

Faith Requires Us to be Believers ~ Not Achievers January 14, 2024

Coffee mug with, "Faith can move mountains" and the question : What are you trusting God for? with windows and sunshine in the background..
A beautiful view, and a inspirational coffee mug too,… what a great way to start the day! ~ Photo courtesy of the Author.

Faith Requires Us to be Believers ~ Not Achievers, but this can be a hard concept to grasp! After reading mentions of this topic, it got my mind stirring about this particular part of the Christian faith. Without a doubt, it is very important that we believe that we are accepted because of our faith in Jesus ~  and not because of our good works. While I love this fact, I must also admit that it seems contrary to how my thoughts tend to lead me. My humanity has me feeling like I need to earn things from God, such as His favor, His love, or His acceptance. Even though I know this is not true, I find myself struggling with it at times

There are many times when guilt rushes in as I think I have not done enough, or spent enough time with God. The lines get blurry with feelings that shift from “I want to spend time reading, studying and writing” versus the feeling that “I have to spend time reading, studying and writing.” Admittedly, the “wanting to” times, always results in better things!

We Need the Faith that Moves Mountains

No matter where we are in our journey, faith is the key to unlocking God’s divine power in our lives. Nothing is impossible for God, and He doesn’t even need our help, unbeknownst to us at times, right? Trusting that He can do what He says He will do, and believing in His timing to actually do it, is where we grow our faith exponentially.

Jesus says it this way:  “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20 (NIV) 

Let’s pray that God will help us strengthen our faith, while knowing that He has our future in His hands.

Faith Seems to be the Recurring Word for 2024 

The subject of faith is every where I turn:  from coffee mugs, to Bible devotions, and scriptures that I read. That confirms to me that it is important and meant to be shared! In my last post, “Let your Faith Be Taller Than your Fears ~ Let God Be God,” I shared scriptures that serve as reminders of the importance of trusting God in all things. In addition to that, comes this inspiration for us to believe that “Faith Can Move Mountains!” Consequently, that leads me to ask, “What are you trusting God for today?”

I’ve said it many times before, but I’ll say it again… “I love things like coffee mugs, journals, and decor that inspire me with scriptures or quotes. The ability to see those types of things around my home can really get my mind churning with ideas. This may not be the most scholarly way to share the Gospel, but it resonates with me, and I hope that it does for you too!” (Hence, the photos with this column!)
F-A-I-T-H blocks on a shelf; pretty decor
Decor can be very inspirational! ~ Have faith in Jesus! Photo courtesy of the Author.

Faith Requires the Ability to Think Differently

My tendency is to feel like I must achieve things in order to earn things, which is totally opposite of faith. Human experiences with relationships typically requires us to do specific things to earn acceptance or love from others. This doesn’t mean people are out there handing out lists of things one must do, but most often, those things are part of the equation somehow.

It might be better described as an “Unspoken Knowing” that there are expectations of performance or achievements required in order for a specific person to accept, or love the other. (Honestly, I believe it is human nature.)  God’s love and acceptance is distinctly different! ~ THANKFULLY, I Must Say! He loves us unconditionally and only requires our faith in Jesus for us to be accepted by Him. That’s Absolutely Amazing if you take time to let it sink in!

Jesus is the Achiever

             Jesus paid the price for it all: Every mistake – Every Short Coming – Every Bad Decision   

             It is not our achievements that God sees when He looks at us – He sees Jesus and all that He has done instead.

                      God sees us as perfect through the lens of Jesus – (No matter what we may think of ourselves)

Jesus achieved more than we will ever know:
Jesus is more than enough – He redeems our Past – and He makes way for our Future!
Jesus is our Savior & Friend,
Jesus is our Comforter & Peace,
Jesus is our Strength,
Jesus is our Healer,
Jesus lifts the loads that are too heavy to carry,
Jesus makes all things possible,
Jesus helps us achieve the dreams in our hearts,
Jesus is our Hope ~
There is No Other that fills His Shoes!

Just a Personal Note to Jesus: 

Jesus, I love you,

I Believe in you,

I Trust you,

I’m Thankful for you,

I’m Blessed By you,

I need you Jesus,

I Praise You Jesus, Now & Forevermore!

Love, Teresa


About Teresa Holbrooks Nichols
 Jesus paid the price for it all: Every mistake - Every Short Coming - Every Bad Decision. It is not our achievements that God sees when He looks at us - He sees Jesus and all that He has done instead. God sees us as perfect through the lens of Jesus - (No matter what we may think of ourselves) Jesus achieved more than we will ever know: Jesus is more than enough - He redeems our Past - and He makes way for our Future, Jesus is our Savior & Friend, Jesus is our Comforter & Peace, Jesus is our Strength, Jesus is our Healer, Jesus lifts the loads that are too heavy to carry, Jesus makes all things possible, Jesus helps us achieve the dreams in our hearts, Jesus is our Hope. You can read more about the author here.
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