Everyday is a New Opportunity to do What God Called Us To Do

Everyday is a New Opportunity to do What God Called Us To Do February 11, 2024

Coffee Mug with Ecclesiastes 3:1
Just a Reminder that Every Day is a Gift from God… and Each One Has a Purpose. Don’t Waste Them! ~ Photo Courtesy of the Author.

Just thinking about the verse that was on my cup this morning… “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven.” As I began to think about this scripture, I recalled having heard this verse many times over the years, and more often than not, it was spoken at a funeral. However, as I consider it today my mind has me pondering it from a different perspective. It’s one that pertains to God’s timing for all things. In my heart, I feel a quick prompting that lets me know it’s time to be about my Father’s business! For me, I am convinced that part of my calling is to “Go and Tell the World about Jesus,” and that this is God’s timing for me to boldly step out to do that.

Bible verses like this serve as reminders that God has a purpose for everything, and everyday is a new opportunity to do what He called us to do.

Gifts and Talents are Varied, and Given to Us on Purpose by God Himself ~

It is important to remember that we do not all share the same gifts, talents or calling on our lives. God purposely created each of us with specific attributes that will help us accomplish the things He has for us to do. None of us are exactly alike, but it is important to do our part, while others do theirs. We were never intended to do it all ourselves, yet oftentimes feel like we should somehow.

We are the “hands and feet of Jesus” to the world right now. I’ve heard that expression many times, and as I wrote it, I wondered if there was a good definition for what it actually means.

I found this statement at Christianity.com written by Joel Ryan:  “Being the hands and feet of Jesus means that Christ’s followers, past, present, and future, are obedient in their commission to preach the gospel and co-labor with Christ to love, serve, and heal the broken, hurting, and hopeless of this world.” 

That’s a pretty good explanation, and one that makes me want to do my part! Hopefully you will too!

How Has God Called You to Serve? ~

In Acts 6:1-4, we see an account of the disciples acknowledging that there were many needs to be met among the people. Naturally, they wanted to be sure those needs were met. However, they also felt obligated to stay focused on the actual calling God placed upon their individual lives. They were called for teaching and spreading the word of God and did not want to put that on the backburner.

Scripture says:  “Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:1-4 NKJV

We see that they solved their dilemma by choosing to allow others to use their gifts and talents, while they continued to use their own. By appointing disciples to feed the widows, it meant they could then continue to accomplish the tasks that God had given them to do. They knew they couldn’t do it all! As we apply this to our lives, this should prompt us to focus on pursuing the things that God specifically called us to do. After-all, this is our season to serve, so let’s get it right!

God Knows the Heart ~

Oftentimes, I end up feeling guilty when I allow things to keep me from writing and sharing throughout my week. As I think about that, I know that God doesn’t want me to feel that way. He knows every obstacle I face, and every detail of the demands I must meet. Unfortunately, I tend to think God will be mad at me if I don’t “do something” productive, but I know that this is not really true. Finding balance in these things is the difficult part for me, and believe me when I say the struggle is real!

Life has a way of throwing wrenches in our well made plans, no matter how strategically things have been thought out. Even having the best intentions of being productive, can be turned upside down in an instant. Life Happens…! (I can give you an example of this very easily. With all my best intentions at play, I suddenly got sick overnight. I had Covid, again! Definitely was not in my plans, and I assure you it certainly stopped progress for a while!)

I’m hard on myself when I don’t achieve the goals I set, but I am learning to trade guilt for grace. Remembering that God knows my heart in difficult times helps me deal with the issues much better.  I’m learning to forgive myself, as I set my focus once more, and strive to keep moving forward, determined to run my race!

A Special Life Event Is Influencing My Thoughts ~

As I continue to reflect on this verse, I see very clearly that it pertains to something very special that just took place in my life. A momentous occasion! My youngest daughter gave birth to her own daughter, and let me tell you, this has been life changing! The entire experience is evidence of God’s Hand, His Timing, His Protection, His Gift of Life!

Being by my daughter’s side as she delivered her beautiful baby girl is an experience that will not be forgotten any time soon!!! I am so Blessed!

From her announcement of her pregnancy, to the actual delivery, and now the ability to watch her take care of her little girl, I see God in every detail. It has opened my eyes all the more to God’s timing and His plans. We may think we have things all figured out, but God has ways of surprising us when we least expect it! Baby Lincoln came three weeks early and every time I look at her precious face, I see the hand of God. She is His little masterpiece in every way!

My daughter and her baby...
Motherhood looks good on my youngest daughter! ~ Photo Courtesy of the Author.

My Season for Motherhood ~

God chose for me to become a mother in 1995 with the birth of my first baby girl. He blessed me with another baby girl in 1998, and a baby boy in 2004. Becoming a mother wasn’t always in my plans for the future… but I could not even begin to imagine my life any other way now.

God knew that this gift of children would draw my heart ever closer to Him as I endeavored to raise them to know about Jesus. My faith grew as I leaned on God more every day, asking Him to guide my steps, and protect my children continuously.

My first mission field was sharing the gospel of Jesus at home. The desire to teach them led to our decision to homeschool them during the younger years. God truly blessed our lives during those years, and I wouldn’t change anything about that decision. Homeschooling gave them a good foundation in faith, and allowed us to spend much more time together as they were growing, so it was a win-win for me!Picture of me and my children...

Motherhood has many different seasons, all rewarding and beautiful! ~ Photo Courtesy of the Author.

Motherhood Brings Many Seasons ~

Being a Mother has indeed consisted of many different seasons. These years encompass so many things: from having infant children, to toddlers, to school age children. Years of teaching them at home, and then on to public school. Seasons of having one child, then two, then three… and learning to balance it all with work and responsibilities.

Perhaps a few of the hardest seasons came as the girls left for college. The myriad of emotions was unbearable at times. Excited for their new adventure, and heartbroken because I missed them so much. Motherhood isn’t always easy! Fast forward and the girls are married, and now, one of them has a child of her own. My son is at home, but works and stays occupied, so my days of raising children are passed me now.

It’s crazy to think about all the changes over the years, and even crazier to think of how quickly it has passed by. I believe that God was using every tiny detail of my motherhood journey to prepare me for the calling He has on my life for this season.

Having a home mission field throughout the years will be helpful in moving toward new opportunities to reach people for Jesus. The mission field is expanding and I am excited about that!

God’s Not Done With Me Yet! ~

My desire is to become exactly who God uniquely created me to be. I am created for such a time as this! The good news is that if you are reading this, you are also created for such a time as this!

I’m hoping that this will encourage you to give yourself to what God has called you to do. My intention is to do the same! Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus!










About Teresa Holbrooks Nichols
Gifts and Talents are Varied, and Given to Us on Purpose by God Himself ~ It is important that we are conscious of the fact that we do not all share the same gifts, talents or calling on our lives. God purposely created each of us with specific things in mind for us to accomplish. Accepting this fact helps us focus on our part in being the hands and feet of Jesus to the world. We were never intended to do it all, yet oftentimes, it feels like we should somehow. My desire is to become exactly who God uniquely created me to be. I am created for such a time as this! The good news is that if you are reading this, you are also created for such a time as this! My desire is to become exactly who He uniquely created me to be, for such a time as this! I'm hoping that this will encourage you to give yourself to what God has called you to do also. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus! You can read more about the author here.

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