God Gave Me the Ability to Write; Why Am I Lost for Words?

God Gave Me the Ability to Write; Why Am I Lost for Words? April 7, 2024


Simple picture with a decorative cube that says, "Be Still"
Little reminders are all around me to “Be Still” and spend time alone with God… but it remains difficult to do sometimes! ~ Picture courtesy of the author.

Let me welcome you to my column, and confide in you, that I am in the midst of a struggle. I bet that’s not how you expect an author to start a post, now is it? Sometimes, just being open and honest, seems the best option for tackling a dilemma such as the one I find myself in at this time. I’m sure by now, you are intrigued and quite possibly confused, so please let me give you a little better explanation! You see, I have dreamed of becoming an author for many years, and prayed diligently for the opportunity to present itself The funny thing about this whole predicament is the fact that now that I finally have a platform and the ability to write, I seem to be at a loss for words.

Astonishingly enough, I never once considered the thought that I might struggle to choose a subject, if I was ever given the opportunity to share things as an author. Quite the contrary actually! So, I admit that this is both aggravating and puzzling for me. I find myself wondering, “How is it possible that something I’ve longed to do for so very long, can suddenly seem so daunting and difficult?”

Have You Ever Answered Your Own Questions Pretty Simply?

In keeping with the open and honest concept, I must admit that there is not a doubt in my mind about where this lack of creative ideas is actually stemming from. The first thing that makes perfect sense to me, is that the enemy wants to do everything he can to stop me from sharing anything good about my faith. I’m guessing that you would agree with that statement from your own experiences in sharing Jesus with others.

Acknowledging that we have an enemy who wants to stop the promotion of The Gospel of Jesus Christ is paramount in our Christian walk of faith. The more we desire to share things about faith, the stronger the attempts to thwart our mission. Trust me when I say, the enemy is always on the prowl, using his arsenal of weapons to keep us from fulfilling our God given purpose!

So, I Ask Myself, “What is the Enemy’s Weapon of Choice in My Life at this Particular Time?”

Next, I am considering the answer for what is making writing so daunting and difficult right now? What is it that is squashing my thought process? What is hindering my confidence in writing something worthy of sharing?

The truth is, writing has always come easy for me. My typical behavior is to sit down, read scripture, grab a pen and paper and have the words just come pouring out. Perhaps a more accurate description of my writing experiences, would be to say that it is my way of conversing with God on paper. Writing out my thoughts, and prayers, is an intimate connection from my heart to His.

Maybe I am hesitant to write because my words have always been private in the past, just between God and me. Whereas now, I am contemplating putting my words online, or in print, for everyone to see. It certainly adds additional pressure, when I think of going from an audience of two, to an audience of unlimited possibilities. It’s more than a little intimidating, I must say.

That enemy I mentioned, loves to show up at these exact moments to remind me of my shortcomings, and tell me I can’t do what God’s called me to do. He’s good at feeding my insecurities, and it often leaves me feeling unworthy and unqualified.

The perfectionist side of me, strives to get things right, and give it my best! The newness of this opportunity has me second guessing my words, and pondering how they will be perceived. I have no doubt that this contributes to my hesitancy to write and share.

Other Things That Affect Creativity  ~

Having Too Much On My Plate

The continuous juggling of things that need to be accomplished daily, truly wears on me, and leaves me feeling like I am sinking into an abyss of  “need to do” and “got to do” things, while they accumulate faster than I can check them off.

Surely, I am not the only one?! If we were talking face to face, would you agree, that life can be downright exhausting? I don’t know about you, but these types of scenarios, are when I feel like I am just not capable of “giving my all” to anything… spreading myself thin, and surviving, but not confident that anything is getting my best attention.

Dealing With Interruptions

Interruptions most definitely make creative writing more difficult. While they are often necessary, there is also a correlation that comes with putting feelings into words that requires  uninterrupted concentration. When this is broken, it is hard to get my thoughts back on track!

A Busy State of Mind Hinders Creativity For Sure ~

Oftentimes, my busy state of mind turns my “desire to write” into feelings that are more consistent with “I have to write.” This makes it feel more like a job requirement than something I enjoy doing. I don’t like feeling that way, and creativity is squelched almost immediately.

Feeling the “desire to write” oftentimes stems from actually slowing down the pace to spend time alone with God! The harder that is to achieve, the harder it is for me to write.

Picture of the Author Taking Time to Enjoy a Beautiful Sunny Day
I love to take a walk on a beautiful day to clear my head. The beauty of God’s Creation is inspirational too! ~ Photo Courtesy of the Author.

As I was writing that, it’s like an “Aha!” kind of moment. I realize that to stop my struggle to write, I need to slow things down, find a quiet place, and just “Be Still and Know…” Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

Countless past encounters has proven that God always shows up to lead me to exactly what He wants me to see and share. With that said, it seems like a simple fix, but sadly, for me it is not.

Knowing I Need to Take Time, Doesn’t Make it Any Easier to Make Time ~

As I thought about how busyness affects my life, I searched for a few resources and found some pretty profound ones. All confirmation that the enemy uses our busy lifestyles to hinder us from spending time doing the things God has called us to do.

I really liked a quote I found at goodreads.com:

It was from John Mark Comer’s, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World.

“Corrie ten Boom once said that if the devil can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy. There’s truth in that. Both sin and busyness have the exact same effect—they cut off your connection to God, to other people, and even to your own soul.” 

The old saying comes to mind that “there just are not enough hours in the day,” and I must admit that it rings very true to me, all to often. Even with the greatest of intentions, schedules, and ambitious mindset, I fall short of the goals. Thankfully God’s grace covers me, and God knows my heart.

God Help Me Apply What I’ve Learned During This Writing Time With You ~

I took my struggle to God through writing this column, and came away with some profound answers for why I’ve been at a loss for words. My prayer now is that God will help me apply what He has shown me. Help me create new habits, carve out time alone, and be still…

I hope that you will be able to find some answers to your struggles in some of the same ways. God makes all things possible, and the enemy will not win.

Sign with "Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations."
Sometimes the simplest things can seem difficult, but God can lead us to beautiful outcomes through the process! ~ Photo courtesy of the author.
About Teresa Holbrooks Nichols
Astonishingly enough, I never once considered the thought that I might struggle to choose a subject, if I was ever given the opportunity to share things as an author. Quite the contrary actually! So, I admit that this is both aggravating and puzzling for me. I find myself wondering, "How is possible that something I've longed to do for so very long, can suddenly seem so daunting and difficult?" Maybe I am hesitant to write because my words have always been private in the past, just between God and me. Whereas now, I am contemplating putting my words online, or in print, for everyone to see. It certainly adds additional pressure, when I think of going from an audience of two, to an audience of unlimited possibilities. It's more than a little intimidating, I must say. You can read more about the author here.

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