Take a Break and Set Your Mind on Things Above

Take a Break and Set Your Mind on Things Above April 15, 2024
Sign that says, "Set Your Mind on Things Above"
I love this decorative sign that serves as a reminder for me to focus on the things God has called me to do! ~ Photo courtesy of the author.

I have a few questions for you to think about honestly as you read this post:

  • Do you ever need little reminders to help you prioritize the importance of things in your life?
  • Is your focus where it should be?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities you carry, and struggling to know where to even begin?
  • Or is it possible that you know the order of importance for all the things required of you, but you just can’t seem to make it all happen as it should?

If this is you, let me just put my truth on the line for you right now by saying, “You are not alone!” That tiredness you feel, I feel it too; that frustration you feel, I feel it too. That feeling of never being enough, or doing enough, I feel it too! This is when I feel that we should take a break, and focus our minds on things above!

Honestly, if you and I could sit face to face and talk about our lives together, I bet we might be amazed at how many things we have in common. Emotionally speaking, it is obvious that there is an onslaught of things meant to deter us. Many of which are fully intended to keep us from focusing on things above, and the calling that God has placed on our lives.

Life Can Be Really Hectic At Times ~

Many of you would probably completely agree with the fact that life just isn’t easy sometimes. No matter the intentions, or the effort we put in, there are just not enough hours in the day to achieve all that we set out to do. Then add to the mix all the things we “want to do” in an effort to “enjoy life,” and it becomes a real rat race. Leaving us exhausted, and feeling like it is never-ending, and honestly it wears on our weary souls.

The more that I personally struggle in this area, the more I come to believe in my heart that a lot of you, my readers, are experiencing this difficulty too. If you follow my columns, you’ve seen a recurring theme in regards to this issue, but please bear with me. Remember that someone may be reading my column for the very first time.

I’m diving in deep to seek God’s help for myself, while hoping that I can pass it along to you, and help keep us on track; God’s track that is!

Pond with the scripture Psalm 119:105
Anytime I see a reflection such as this one on the pond, I am reminded that the world should see Jesus living in me… Guide my path God! ~ Photo courtesy of the author.

Finding Quiet Time With God is Important ~

I have mentioned the importance of finding quiet times many times, but it is worth emphasizing again. These are the times when I can sit and search God’s Word for direction, and find peace for my soul. “Alone time” is of utmost importance for all of us. It’s imperative that we slow down and take time to connect with God intimately if we hope to be who He created us to be. Hopefully, you would agree.

As for me, I feel better when I can communicate with God about the things that weigh on my heart. Sometimes, when I am alone, I envision God as if He is actually sitting right there with me and I speak out loud, and I know He listens. During these times, with all distractions turned off, the stillness ushers in His Presence, and I soak it in and wait. This often becomes some of my most peaceful times!

Other times, you will typically find me with a pen and paper in my hands, as I pour out the thoughts and feelings that I hold deep inside. Words flow easily without much rhyme or reason, and I surprise myself when I look back at the prayers I’ve written. The sheer honesty with which I can communicate with God in this way, simply confirms to me that writing is part of my calling.

I Don’t Always Come Away with the Answers for the Issues I face ~

Taking the time to communicate with God, in no way assures me that I will receive immediate answers. I never want to mislead anyone who is searching for truth about faith, so I want to be clear about this! There is no magic prayer that you say, or ritual you follow to get God to give you what you want, in your timing.

God has His own timing for everything, so please don’t forget that! Also, please do not confuse the fact that you didn’t get your answer right away, with the thoughts that God doesn’t hear you or care about you. God loves you, and He hears you.

Waiting on God’s Timing is Part of the Process of Learning to Trust Him ~

The Bible tells us this in Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV):

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
I remind myself of these verses often, and most certainly in the issues that plague my life for longer than I wish they would. Knowing that God has His reasons, helps me hold onto hope that it’s going to be for my good just as Jeremiah 29:11 proclaims. A favorite verse, by the way!
The relief and peace that I feel in my quiet times, does not come from some earth shaking revelation of answers for all of my problems. In all truthfulness, there are no guarantees that the answers you and I seek will come easily, or quickly, for that matter.

So you may be asking yourself, “So, what’s the big deal? Why go through the trouble of finding quiet time, or talking to God at all?”

My Answer for This is Simple Really… My Time with God Always Leaves Me Feeling Connected and Hopeful.

It’s also quite possible that the peacefulness comes from the feeling of being obedient, and that’s perfectly fine. God wants us to study His Word and communicate with Him, and when I do, I always feel better. Not because I walk away knowing all the answers, but because I walk away knowing I gave all my troubles to the one Who does!

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

As we navigate all of the things we must do each day, let’s remember this scripture found in Colossians 3:2 (NIV) Every day requires a choice to set our minds on the things of God.

As I seek God’s will and direction for every step forward, I know finding quiet time with Him will always be important. I know I am created “For Such a Time As This,” and I am determined to focus on all that God has purposed for me to do. I am Uniquely Constructed to be right here right now, in this specific place in time, and guess what? You are too!

Beach Teresa oder my steps
Order my steps, Lord!

I truly hope that you can take away something that helps you from this post. Together we can share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. We can be who God wants us to be, and do the things God wants us to do! That’s the desire of my heart, and I sincerely hope that it is yours too!

Check out the last post where I wrote about “having too much on my plate” for more on this subject of busyness versus focus!

If you are a first-time reader, please consider reading some of my previous columns and signing up for the Uniquely Constructed newsletter. Things I post will then come to your email, and I appreciate your support!

About Teresa Holbrooks Nichols
"You are not alone!" That tiredness you feel, I feel it too; that frustration you feel, I feel it too. That feeling of never being enough, or doing enough, I feel it too! This is when I feel that we should take a break, and focus our minds on things above! Honestly, if you and I could sit face to face and talk about our lives together, I bet we might be amazed at how many things we have in common. Emotionally speaking, it is obvious that there is an onslaught of things meant to deter us. Many of which are fully intended to keep us from focusing on things above, and the calling that God has placed on our lives. You can read more about the author here.

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