Pastor Melissa Scott, Porn Star

Pastor Melissa Scott, Porn Star May 20, 2009

by Lorette C. Luzajic
Part 6 of the Pillars of Faith series.

She Works Hard For the Money

Anna Nicole does… Jesus? Well, sort of. America’s hottest televangelist is Pastor Melissa Scott, who struts her stuff on late night TV, and at the L.A. University Cathedral on Sunday mornings. She’s smart and beautiful, with impossibly long dark curls. No wonder she turned the head of the church’s former pastor, Dr. Gene Scott.

Gene crossed that river Jordan in 2005; Melissa had the keys to the kingdom. Mansions, Kentucky horse ranches, a collection of fancy cars, a private airplane, 24-hour bodyguards — and the church — are all now hers.

The Eccentric Hubby

Gene was an eccentric bibliophile, historian, con man and crackpot. He earned a million plus per month soliciting during sermons, during which he would swear freely, talk about alien conspiracies, and show videos of his “pony girls” on horseback — not to mention hiring scantily clad vixen “cheerleaders” to line the pews and lure ‘em in to the circus. He was also known as a brilliant linguist who knew Aramaic and Hebrew.

Today Melissa says she has taught herself 20 languages. Her detractors say she can’t even speak Spanish, never mind the dead ancient languages of the Bible, and that no one ever hears her in anything but English.

Either way, linguistics was an interest the couple had in common. Melissa says they met after service, and shared a passionate bond — over stamp collecting.

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Pullquote: Photographers, ex-husbands, and friends confirm Barbie Bridges is indeed Pastor Scott.

But Playmate Elke Jeinsen told Gretchen Voss otherwise, in this month’s Marie Claire. Dr. Gene entertained Penthouse Pets and such at his ranch, and Melissa “was there, always dancing for Doc topless, showing her tits right away.” Melissa Scott, otherwise known as Barbie Bridges. Or so they say.

Scott said that circulating photos were “expert Photoshop” works by obsessed weirdoes. She told Voss, “I was never an actress in pornographic movies.” Yet photographers, ex-husbands, and friends confirm Barbie Bridges is indeed Pastor Scott. Today, the University Cathedral forbids cameras, and no one knows where Ms. Scott resides. She comes from nowhere, with no one. She doesn’t mention her family.

Ain’t Nobody’s Business if I Do

Pullquote: Until all the men who buy naked women start standing up for her instead of calling her a whore, it’s any woman’s right to deny, deter, or divert.

Why would someone be obsessed over a secret that’s already out? What could Scott lose — she has enough money to do nothing but shop for the rest of her life. If scholarship interests her, she can study at the most elite schools around the world — on horseback! If losing celebrity is a concern, showing up with her old hairdo and bikinis would guarantee center stage ‘til thy kingdom come. Is it possible, then, that no matter how far out and bizarre it seems, that she’s the real deal, and simply wants to share the Good News?

At first I felt sarcastic — “isn’t lying one of the Ten Commandments?” But giving it some thought revealed the error of my self-righteousness.

I must respect a woman’s right to refuse information about her private life or her past. Women get derailed publicly and professionally for their private lives. Sure, I‘d love it if super-sexy Scott — and other babes — ushered in a new shame-free paradigm. But that won’t happen in church anytime soon.

Until all the men who buy naked women start standing up for her instead of calling her a whore, it’s any woman’s right to deny, deter, or divert. Even to lie, yes, because if you’re not the Virgin Mary, you’re the other thing. Scott’s past is none of our business.

Giving to the Poor

And if a grown man wants to marry a sexy scholar, and leave her all of his money, I can’t tell a senior citizen what to do. But Jesus noted a few times that greed wasn’t the best way through the pearly gates — or the eye of a needle. In fact, he said “If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything and give the money to the destitute, then come and follow me.”

I’ll believe that Melissa is in it for the gospel and not for the circus spectacle when she gives her inheritance to the poor. And I’m willing to bet that will be the day that hell freezes over.

Lorette C. Luzajic writes about all kinds of interesting people at Fascinating People.

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