4 Things That Are Never THEIR Fault

4 Things That Are Never THEIR Fault August 19, 2019

Your Choices

Along the same lines, our choices belong to us. Have you ever heard someone in a movie (or maybe real life) say, “I didn’t have a choice!” It is almost never true. Our choices can be diminished. We can be caught between two terrible choices. But we have to make our choices in the midst of those realities.

Our choices are ours. We often try to avoid the responsibility of our actions by blaming others. We try to sidestep consequences with elaborate excuses. But your choices belong to you.


Your Character

Lastly, and rolled into the others, character is something that cannot be blamed on others. If you steal or lie or commit adultery, these are indicative of the character you have chosen. It doesn’t matter if they lied, cheated, or stole first. You are responsible for you, not them. And vice versa.

A proper understanding of ownership is essential for healthy living. It is the only way to navigate relationships and become a productive member of social groups. The world is hard. Life is hard. But we need not make it more difficult by clouding the issue of what is and is not the fault of others.

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