4 Ways to Communicate Value

4 Ways to Communicate Value November 27, 2019

3) Repeat

Humans are stubborn and set in their ways. We’ve developed patterns and systems that we have gotten quite used to. We are stuck in our own narratives and distracted by the voices in our heads.

If you want to communicate something, you have to repeat it. Repeat it over and over. If you feel like people might be sick of hearing about your values, you are probably just getting started. People don’t internalize everything they hear. They are sifting to see what is important.

Repeating your values in a variety of contexts helps assure others that these really are important to you. Our world is so instant gratification and flavor-of-the-month. We don’t expect things to really stay around. So if you tell me truth is now one of your values, I might shrug it off. But if you tell me every day for a year, I might start to believe you.


4) Listen

This might sound weird, but one of the best ways to communicate your values is to listen to others. Ask them about their values and how what they are doing relates. Move the entire conversation into a conversation about values.

We are all fighting so hard to be heard. Not many are fighting to listen. Hear what others are saying. Hear the values they are communicating. And find out how yours might work in concert with those of the people around you.

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