[AUDIO] Vocation is mission

[AUDIO] Vocation is mission September 26, 2014

Today we simply want to give you links to some wonderful talks by members of the Washington Institute on vocation, as found in the Vocation as Mission section of the institute’s webpage. Listen and be blessed!

Most Christians desire to know God and understand His call on their life, but for those  with many choices about how to spend their life and talents, understanding how to think Christianly and coherently about work at home, in the community, and in the world can sometimes feel perplexing. If you have ever wondered about your own sense of calling or wrestled with daunting questions about faith, work and faithfulness, you’ll want to listen to this honest discussion about faith and vocation.

What is the relationship between what we do and who God is forming us to be? Rev. Bill Haley discusses how our vocations are the primary sites for Christ to holistically conform us to his image.

Creation groans and we groan with it. Steve Garber asks: “Can you know the world and still love the world?” What can our lives, our work, our vocation accomplish amidst the difficulties and temptations of sin? How can we have a hope grounded in the truth?

Vocation can appear as an elusive, even nebulous idea. In this lecture, Rev. Bill Haley will show the real and practical application this theological topic has for everyday life. Discerning God’s call in your life is important and not as unattainable as you might think.

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