Divination Space Station: Dorothy Morrison

Divination Space Station: Dorothy Morrison September 17, 2013


Psychic. Fifth Avenue, NYC. Photo by Timothy Krause.

Welcome to the Voodoo Universe’s first installment of the Divination Space Station, our guest interview series on all forms of divining. 

Divination: it’s in the cards, the stones, the bones, the future. I have participated in quite a few divination panel discussions or roundtables over my twenty years of involvement in the Pagan community. Several interesting discussions came from these sessions, which were both led and attended by practitioners from all walks of life. On many occassions I had the good fortune of sitting on these panels with Dorothy Morrison, award-winning author, whom I am proud to call my friend. The questions are mine, the answers are all Ms. Morrison.

When did you start divining? With what method?

My mother gave me a Rider-Waite deck for Christmas the year I was 18, and I started right away. But to be perfectly honest, my first attempts were less than fruitful. I simply couldn’t get the cards to “speak” to me, and to say that I was discouraged was an understatement. In fact, I was so aggravated that I tossed the cards on the shelf and vowed that if I ever looked at them again, it would only be to throw them in the trash!

A couple of years later, though, I realized that the problem was neither with me nor the deck; instead, it was a personality conflict between the two of us. [Who knew?! LOL!] I found the Morgan-Greer deck, and readings began to flow immediately. It’s amazing what happens when someone finds a good fit. And today, I can read almost any deck without a problem.

What method do you use most often now?

I still use tarot cards, but I have to admit that they’re more for the querent than they are for me. As I’ve gotten older, I just seem to “know.” I still deal out the cards, but now the messages begin to flow just as soon as they start hitting the table.

How important is the question?

Although a lot of folks would disagree with me, I really don’t think it’s that important; the reason being that sometimes, folks simply aren’t supposed to have all the answers. [If, after all, they knew everything…well…what would be the point in living? ;)] And readings generally only offer information that’s beneficial to the querent at the time – regardless of what he or she thinks they want to know.

Aside from that, readings only tell you what’s likely to occur if you continue your current path – and you can change that path at any point. So, nothing’s cut and dried, or carved in stone. Regardless of the question, the outcome is still your call.

Do you have a yes/no method of divining you recommend?

I shuffle the cards and deal them into a stack, either stopping when I turn up an ace or the 13th card – whichever comes first. I continue in that manner until there are three stacks. Three Aces is a yes. One or two is a maybe. And a complete lack of Aces is a no. It’s a very easy method and is fairly accurate.

Is there any advice you have for newcomers when using divination?

If you’re using Tarot cards, get rid of the accompanying book immediately! Instead, actually look at the characters in the cards you’ve laid out and pay attention to what they’re doing. How are they interacting with the characters in the other cards on the table? Are they looking at each other? Are they turned away? Are they facing forward as if they’re completely indifferent to the others? Just try reading them as if you’re looking at a comic strip storyboard without the benefit of words – and you’ll be amazed at how easily the reading will flow.

For more wit, wisdom and wonderful witchy wickedness, please visit Dorothy Morrison’s websites:




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