Please Don’t Forget: In Memory of Margot Adler

Please Don’t Forget: In Memory of Margot Adler July 30, 2014

Lilith Dorsey and Margot Adler. All rights reserved.
Lilith Dorsey and Margot Adler. All rights reserved.

I woke up this morning, afraid everyone will forget…forget what it was like to be around Margot Adler, Morning Glory Zell, Cayne Micelli, and all my friends who have drifted across the veil. I know people will remember the books, the talks, the recorded history. But these people made history, and my heart is heavy.

One of the things I cherished about Margot Adler was that she knew her stuff. Paganism today is too often resold and regurgitated drivel, and I say that as both an academic and a member of the Pagan community for over two decades. That wasn’t who Margot Adler was, she delighted in discussing almost any and every topic, making sure you also knew what her “cause celebre” was in the process. Personally it was a sublime privilege to have her at my Voodoo rituals, if I think back she was one of the first prominent (or big nose pagans as my friend Isaac Bonewits used to call himself and others) people in the community to come out and support and dance and join us in honoring the New Orleans Voodoo gods and goddesses. Margot Adler was a visionary, and the community will forever feel her loss. As her friend I am sad we will not be able to laugh, and smile and shake our stuff together in the same way again. In Voodoo we have a concept called Ashe, a universal life force that permeates all things. We pray that the Ashe of good people lives on, that they are an inspiration each and every day, growing in strength and power with each candle lit, each prayer said, each memory celebrated. I will continue to celebrate her memory and her spirit, I will try my best to know my stuff, and know where it came from too. I’ll continue to lust after Vampyres ( here’s my link to my review about Margot Adler’s Vampires Are Us.) I’ll remind people what a joyous and open spirit she had, and dance a little more for her. What will you do?

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