This week the big news has been about the battle over the budget for 2025. Conservatives again threatened to shut down the government unless they got everything they wanted. Both Elon Musk and present-elect Trump were willing to tank a bill that would help Americans and hurting people during the Christmas season.
One of the main sticking points was they wanted Congress to increase America’s debt ceiling so Mr. Trump would have more money to do what he wants with next year. It is hypocritical to raise the debt ceiling when both Trump and Musk claim they can help the government run more efficiently and trim the excess waste.
The new government task force actually expands government and its power. Once again, it reveals the true nature and plan of Maga.
- Power-hungry
- Greed
- Corruption
I am still shocked by how easily many conservatives have turned from sound teaching and the light to whatever makes them happy (2 Timothy 4:3-4.) As I write this conservatives have gathered in Arizona to celebrate their victory and shower praise on their earthly savior.
Their sinful hearts have led them astray from the light. They have chosen darkness and the ways of the world over the light of Heaven (Isaiah 5:20-25.) They have forgotten how God separates the light from the darkness (Genesis 1:2-5.)
What Is Light
Light changed the history of the universe and the world, light illuminates the darkness. Light is much more than the opposite of darkness, it defeats it. Light is defined as, “Something that makes vision possible; a sensation caused by stimulation of visual receptors.”
Light is as much spiritual as it is physical because it is God who created the light. God’s people are called to walk in the light of God and avoid the darkness of the world (1 John 1:5-7.) Loving and living in the light is part of being separated from the darkness of the world (1 Peter 2:9.)
Darkness is viewed as evil both spiritual and physical (Genesis 1:1-5, John 8:12.) God’s people are commanded to walk in light and practice good (Romans 6:16, 1 Corinthians 2:14, Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 2:1-22, Colossians 3:1-25.) The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about light and darkness.
The Torah begins with God creating everything, Moses describes how there was darkness, until God spoke and created the light, God separated the light from the darkness and called the light good (Genesis 1:-5.)
After God created the plants and vegetation He created two great lights and placed them in the heavens to separate day from the night and to separate the seasons (Genesis 1:14-18.) Both great lights had the same purpose, to illuminate the darkness on the earth and this illumination comes from God Himself.
Through the creation account we see how light overcomes darkness. The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for great light is mā’ôr and it can also mean, “Luminary, brightness, or cheerfulness,” depending on the context it is used in.
After the fall, the ancient world was described as dark and wicked because the relationship between God and creation was broken (Genesis 3:17-18; 6:5-7.) God’s plan was to restore that broken relationship with creation through His people. The prophet Isaiah prophesied God would send another great light into the world to save creation from the darkness (Isaiah 9:1-8.)
However, God’s people also had to be set apart from this dark world and walk in the light of God (Leviticus 11:44-45, Deuteronomy 14:2, Psalm 4:3; 36:9.) The creation account reminds us that God’s people are to be the light and not be part of the darkness that God has separated us from.
- Light
- Atmosphere/firmament
- Dry ground and plants
- Sun, Moon, and stars
- Birds and creatures of the sea
- Land animals and humans
- Sabbath day of rest
The beginning and the New Testament returns to God’s call for His people to walk in his light and not the darkness, Jesus Himself is described as Isaiah’s Great Light when He began His earthly ministry (Matthew 4:12-17.)
It’s obvious why Jesus called Himself the Light of the world (John 8:12.) Through Jesus we are separated from the darkness of this fallen world. Jesus taught His disciples to be the light of the world, because the light overcomes the darkness (Matthew 5:14, John 1:5.)
Christianity teaches believers not to have anything to do with the darkness of this world, because God has separated us from it (John 3:19-21, Romans 13:12, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Ephesians 5:11, Colossians 1:13.) Christmas is the ultimate reminder for God’s people to be the light of the world and not walk in the darkness.
Christmas Time
The Christmas story is a prophetic retelling of the creation account, even before Jesus was born the people were following the lights in the sky (Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 2:1-12.) The birth of Jesus was God resending His light into the world.
The world was even a dark and wicked place when Jesus was born. God’s people were being oppressed by the rich and governments of the world, even more so than today.
The miraculous birth of Jesus brought hope and good things for God’s people and was the beginning of the end of the darkness (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7, Micah 5:2, Matthew 1:18-25.)
However, Jesus is a humble King Who will one day overthrow the corrupt and oppressive governments (Daniel 2:44, Revelation 17:14.) The Light of the God will once again overcome the darkness of the world.
- Greed
- Uncompassionate
- Oppressive
- Vengeful
It is unfathomable and un-biblical for people who profess to be part of the light to walk in darkness (John 12:35-36, Acts 26:18, 1 John 1:5-7.) God’s people belong to the light and Jesus, not a corrupt politician or a power-hungry corrupt anti-Christian movement that parades as Angels of light (Matthew 24:24, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 2 Peter 2:1-3.)
We cannot forget Jesus’ command to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16.) We will never overcome the darkness if we so easily follow whatever corrupt demonic politician who tells us what we want to hear.
When God’s people and our government value earthly greatness and treasures more than the teachings of Jesus, we are not being the light and we have let the darkness of the world overcome us (1 Timothy 6:10.) No evil billionaires are corrupt political leaders can be the mā’ôr!